Funny, I am currently in Switzerland as well, although I sense no huge disappointment after their yesterday's loss

So, yesterday we managed to beat Switzerland
(72451). The game was a bit more dramatic than the end result suggests.
Start of the match was not easy for us. Although
Tommy Fyhrhult scored the first two points of the match, Swiss took the initiative afterwards and soon got to a nice lead. After 8 minutes, the score was 17-7 for the Swiss. We were forced to take a time-out (never a good sign, if your team takes time-out first), but still didn't manage to come back within the first quarter, which ended with 26-18.
We improved our offense significantly in the second quarter, and after six minutes
Petter Börjesson tied the score to 35. We kept our momentum and got ahead to 48-43, but the opponent finished the first half better, and the score was once again tied at 52.
Third quarter was the decisive one, we were better from the first minute, although our captain Fyhrhult was injured at the very beginning. Slowly but steady we increased the point difference. After five minutes,
Markus Andersson, man of the match once again, increased our lead to +10, and we didn't let the Swiss closer to 6 points afterwards. The quarter ended with 85-75.
We still needed to keep our pace in the final quarter, but the team showed discipline and didn't let the point difference get any lower than 10 points.
Anders Strandblom scored for 104-88 five minutes to go, and the victory seemed very close. Although the Swiss quickly replied with a three pointer, that was all they could do, and we further increased the difference at the end of the match.
Final score was therefore 113-93, Martin Andersson was once again our best scorer (by far) with 35 points, and Petter Börjesson was the main power under the basket with 15 points and 16 rebounds (8 of them in the offense).
The difference between the two teams was mainly due to our superb game shape, and I really mean superb - 8 of 12 players were in GS=9, very rarely can this be seen in the second week. So kudos to all owners

I can only hope for similar GS in the upcoming weeks. We are facing progressively better opponents, first Russia, then Belgium, and Poland afterwards.
Once again I invite you to discord, which is growing steadily