I have been a BBBL team for 35 straight seasons, from 23 to 57, if it's not a record it's definitely not quite far from it. I could have kept on, but I was achieving nothing, and my bank account was emptying at light speed.
Therefore I sold (and not quite well, unfortunately) and went back to D.2
I second guiguits when he says he could be on the salary floor and still get decent results, however it's quite volatile, with the same roster I played the play-offs and then one season later, withtout any roster changes, I finished 7th and was 2 points away from going back to D.3, which would have been a disaster.
What has dramatically changed however, that's the amount of money I have in the bank.
I am preparing my BBBL comeback, maybe this season maybe next one, and this is the way to go. I really, REALLY hate it, because as far as sports is concerned, you want your team to stay at the highest possible level even while winning nothing (I'm sure all my fellow Stadard de Liège supporters will relate to that).
But it's more efficient to go down, and rebuild with a cheap roster. As guiguits says, this makes a lot of dull, boring, and uninteresting seasons in which you'll miss more than one line-up.