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64986.3 in reply to 64986.2
Date: 12/19/2008 4:17:16 PM
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thank you. Yes that was my question.

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64986.4 in reply to 64986.2
Date: 12/19/2008 4:48:35 PM
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just to clarify say you train jump shot for a week with no pops,the training you did is added to the if you train a different skill the following week and then return to jump shot again the week after the training done already done with no pops is added to the skill that week.

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64986.6 in reply to 64986.5
Date: 12/19/2008 5:21:20 PM
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64986.7 in reply to 64986.5
Date: 12/21/2008 9:26:08 PM
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Is it possible to train more than one skill at a time? For example, can I train my point guards in passing the same week I train my forwards in rebounding?

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64986.9 in reply to 64986.8
Date: 12/23/2008 2:20:15 AM
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do you think it makes sense to add that capability? teams in the nba hire multiple coaches to focus on different elements of the game, perhaps each player can only work with one coach at a time and coaches will be less effective when training more players?

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64986.10 in reply to 64986.8
Date: 12/23/2008 2:20:16 AM
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do you think it makes sense to add that capability? teams in the nba hire multiple coaches to focus on different elements of the game, perhaps each player can only work with one coach at a time and coaches will be less effective when training more players?

From: CrazyEye

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64986.11 in reply to 64986.10
Date: 12/23/2008 2:37:58 AM
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no ;)

Players in the NBA don't develope that fast, and when you make it even faster, in training the team without bad effect it would be bad,

From: ogran

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64986.12 in reply to 64986.11
Date: 12/23/2008 2:53:20 AM
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i'm not necessarily saying training should be faster, i think that the current system promotes teams to focus training on either inside or outside, but to more closely mirror real life (this is a simulation afterall) the training system should encourage teams to develop their teams more evenly. in the current system it makes no sense to field both young inside and outside players because there is a high opportunity cost associated with training. a player (starting at age 18) really only has 3 very productive years of training (according to the boards) and thus a very limited number of available training sessions. fielding multiple young players at varying positions makes it nearly impossible to get any of your players playing at a high level. in reality there are very successful teams that have great inside and outside prospects because real teams can hire multiple trainers.

From: CrazyEye

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64986.13 in reply to 64986.12
Date: 12/23/2008 2:56:52 AM
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when you slow down training with more position the situation would be the same, because young player have a high value because their development potential which you should use ;)

And i won't say that they only got 3 potential years, maybe when you train centeras at single position in their a-skill, but that is a potential think ;)

And this is a game afterall, you could have complete draft and nearly no movement, to make it more realistic but did you like it?
