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From: Heathcoat

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76680.3 in reply to 76680.1
Date: 2/24/2009 8:31:57 PM
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If you play him at SG thats what you train. One on One training trains primarily Driving, and handling around 80%. Sounds like you want to train One on One.

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76680.6 in reply to 76680.5
Date: 2/24/2009 10:31:02 PM
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Honestly, i didn't say the complete picture. His Driving, Free throw and inside shot all are atrocious.

Really? could this player turn into someone who could lead my teaM? average thirty points?

i just inherited this acc from my brother and im kinda new to this, i think for the first week, ill play him 70 minutes, training free throw, then the next week, 70 mins of inside shots, and then the next couple weeks on one on one. Then after that ill buff the others, sound good? or is there something im missing

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76680.8 in reply to 76680.7
Date: 2/25/2009 12:24:30 AM
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I see, that makes alot of sense. alright well i'll get him trained in Those 4 catergories every week + One on One, until the end of the season .

thanks you've really been a great help (:

From: Calum

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76680.9 in reply to 76680.8
Date: 2/25/2009 4:38:39 AM
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If you really want to make him a world top player. I would seriously think about 1position (when you can) training so he will get the maximum training. So for passing and outside defense you would have to play him at point guard. Jump range would be at SG, but to train JS you would require to train 2 positions. This isnt too much of a loss becuase all players in any team would benefit with a little more jump shot.

It may be a better option (than training 1 on 1 at 2 positions) to train handling at one position. This will actually equate to more actually driving training for your star player.

If you can follow this accuratly and make sure that he gets his 48 mins a week. Then he'll be a top player, possibly (and probably) one of the best PGs in the game in 4 seasons.

You could easily train another good trainee at this too and get the 48mins a week and have 2 top players.

Good luck!

This Post:
76680.10 in reply to 76680.7
Date: 2/25/2009 6:35:38 PM
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Just curious wouldn't it be beneficial to train free throws right now since we won't get 48 minutes for full training this Friday? I say if you plan to start him train other skills during the season and use the off season for one on one training like free throws. Free throw shooting cost me several games in season 7 so I am thankful my 2 draft picks are both strong at free throws.

From: Wezzy
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76680.11 in reply to 76680.9
Date: 2/25/2009 6:40:24 PM
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As appealing "world top player" sounds, i'm sure i can get the same results while training him at the 2.

alright i'm gonna start him on One on One for gaurds for the first two weeks, and hopefully that'll get him to respectable in driving. After that, all Outside training (Outside D, Outside shooting, Jump shot, etc)

thanks for all the help, i really appreciate it guys

From: docend24

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76680.12 in reply to 76680.11
Date: 2/25/2009 6:50:01 PM
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Actually IO would stay away from Outside Shooting. It is not the most effective training and if your guy is repsectable in JR, it's june fine - except if you want to be a trey specialist team. i would rather have 12 JS and 8 JR guy than 10 JS 10JR or even 8 JS 12 JR. Just my two cents.

From: Calum

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76680.13 in reply to 76680.11
Date: 2/25/2009 6:53:58 PM
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Well you definitely wont get the same results training 2 positions. You'll get almost half of the training and therefore half of the skill pops.

Obviously your approach is good too (and one which i share) so good luck! (The dude is right about the JR btw, just give it less training time)
