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SF training

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80191.3 in reply to 80191.1
Date: 3/9/2009 2:02:04 AM
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It's a design choice that has been made seasons ago. It has been suggested to modify the SF training, but such changes have significant effects (they may, e.g., reward/punish past choices).

You may want to read this thread: (67212.1).

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80191.4 in reply to 80191.1
Date: 3/9/2009 4:29:48 AM
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
I solved that by playing my SF's as SG or PG (training two positions, if you train one position you have to play them as PG of course).

This messes up things a lot for me as I have to weaken my team pretty much. One of very few advantages with not getting promoted last season is that I can win matches even if I play them out of position to 11 of my 15 league opponents. In a higher division it must be very difficult to train a SF really well, at least if you want to train two or three of them ...