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The S18 thread!

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From: Lemony

To: T.M.
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203539.30 in reply to 203539.29
Date: 1/21/2012 10:38:35 PM
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Oh man, I really hope you come into my league. The same level as my team!?!?!?!?! How dare you say that! Haha, just kidding, your team is amazing, I will actually say the opposite of what I said, and ask for your team to not come into my league...

From: T.M.

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203539.31 in reply to 203539.30
Date: 1/21/2012 10:59:02 PM
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Your team is probably still better than mine, this is true. I didn't mean to say otherwise; I doubt my team even as it is now would go 16-6 in your league, and I'm positive that we'd never beat your team as it stands right now. At the same time, you're probably right in not wanting me in your league, for two reasons: (a) my team is pretty decent in its own right, especially offensively, and especially compared to other D.V teams that could promote into your league, and (b) I have a very good chance of drafting/selling one of my two main trainees, which along with the promotion bonus would set me up nicely to pick up any complementary players I might need. Plus although my team has never learned how to beat yours in a fair match, they do know how to inflict pain and injury on your players both on the court (ask Choy Soo Jung about that scrimmage earlier this season) and by means of occultists and voodoo dolls (remember when I predicted Pringle's injury??). So no, you really don't want my team to show their ugly faces in IV.32.

From: T.M.
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203539.32 in reply to 203539.31
Date: 1/26/2012 11:04:24 PM
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Ok, Sneaky Bastards (46471) is a team of jerks. They forfeited the scrimmage tonight, so McNeill and Iriarte only got 36 out of 48 possible minutes for training purposes. I'm super irritated about that. Seriously, if YOU offer the scrimmage, at least have the courtesy to put three or more players in it, for crying out loud! That combined with the forfeit on Saturday means that only two players (Smiley and Faina) get full training this week in 1v1 forwards. So mad...

The BB gods had better grant Smiley a triple pop (which isn't out of the realm of possibility) to make up for this.

From: T.M.

To: T.M.
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203539.33 in reply to 203539.32
Date: 1/27/2012 10:03:54 AM
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As some sort of compensation, Smiley double-popped in DR/IS and Faina double-popped in HA/DR. No pops for McNeill or Iriarte though thanks to Sneaky Bastards (whose team name is oddly appropriate).

From: Lemony

To: T.M.
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203539.34 in reply to 203539.33
Date: 1/27/2012 10:50:13 AM
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Wow...I didn't get any pops this week...
well 1 OD pop for C. Jung, but idc about that..

From: T.M.

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203539.35 in reply to 203539.34
Date: 1/27/2012 4:14:54 PM
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Yeah, well the reason Smiley improves so fast is because week in and week out in practice he always has to put up with coaches and players from last season telling him, "If Cliff Pringle were in your position, he'd be doing much better," or "When Cliff Pringle was at this point in his career, his defense was already considerably better than yours," etc., inevitably followed by, "We're paying you a higher salary than Pringle made his rookie season, and aren't you supposed to have greater potential than he does? So why the f--- aren't you better than him already?" It's a good incentive for him to get better, I think. Hence the 16 pops so far this season.

From: T.M.
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203539.36 in reply to 203539.35
Date: 2/3/2012 10:19:24 AM
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And Smiley finishes the season with a double pop from pressure training, OD and handling both to 9, for a total of 18 pops on the season with a level 4 trainer. Obviously there's a major asterisk in that 5 of those weeks were 1v1 or JS forwards, which give a lot of total pops, more than, say, single-position pressure training, but still, 18 pops is pretty darn good. Next season he and maybe the new draftee if I keep him will be doing a few weeks of JS so Smiley can be decent offensively in D.IV, enough to take some pressure off Faina and McNeill, but other than that I'm hoping to do a lot of pressure training. Expect the total number of pops to likely be way down if I can follow through on that resolution.

(naturally I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some bots don't auto-draft one or both of the players I'm looking at)

One downside is Smiley is projected to have a salary of $8371 next season, so there will likely be some roster changes coming.

From: Lemony

To: T.M.
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203539.37 in reply to 203539.36
Date: 2/3/2012 4:16:20 PM
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Damn $8371! That's like almost Pringle's salary for next year!

From: T.M.

This Post:
203539.38 in reply to 203539.37
Date: 2/3/2012 6:31:50 PM
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Except Pringle has atrocious RB compared to awful for Smiley, which lowers his salary, and Pringle also has higher OD, which is much more cost-efficient for its usefulness compared to the salary you pay for it. Plus Smiley has higher JR, which also raises salary. He's also a year younger, but he's still not Pringle's level yet. Besides, he had better starting skills. OSU says Smiley should probably be a shooting guard in the future, because he's 6'4", so he'll be working towards that. Regardless, I'm very satisfied with him.