First season i cam in mid season andgot a p.allstar in my draft (I did scout and order them well). Trained him to be in the England U21's, just about to turn 22 now. I also got 2 stars/allstars i trained with him and sold for 100k&190k.
Second season came first in my league, got promoted and got an MVP and still training him
Third season got 2 P.allstars and still training them
Last season draft was the first I didntt spend 40k a week on and i got 1 ok player and 2 bad ones.
This season I am spending 10k a week and draft isn't looking good, so glad i spent so little.
Thes were all 18 year olds
I am not boasting, but showing that you can get lucky. My promotion AND mvp 18 y/o season was in D.III So they probably didn't quite know what they were doing, so that was my luckiest draft!
I hope everones draft goes well this season. I currently have a 4/4 sf as my best (pretty good) but not much else.