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game day preparing

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268063.30 in reply to 268063.18
Date: 3/10/2015 1:55:14 PM
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There are basketball simulations put out everr single year by the dozen that destroy BB on every level of complexity, realism, balance and well in every other way.

Sadly, you are still here. Please, join one of the dozen.

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268063.31 in reply to 268063.26
Date: 3/10/2015 2:16:12 PM
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I find it funny you say it stopping li and now its not .. which one is it trainerman or do you need ramble some more... I told manon 3-2 can stop li and many offenses and it is.. Tell me were I false? insults have nothing to do with this matter stay on topic please.. people want learn new things here closed threads don't help anything.

which one is trainerman?? is it stopping li or is it not?

From: Mr. Glass

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268063.32 in reply to 268063.25
Date: 3/10/2015 2:31:32 PM
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you guys are saying it shouldn't stop li.. that's my argument , if you have the right players it can beat any offense on bb that goes for all offense/defenses even 2-3 on bb..

it has to built a certain way to perform like a cookie for example Li.

2-3 zone is based id/od and exp. its pg , sg and center, center sb/ id, some od. playing 2-3 zone with a balance offense it works (perform)better. but u need 3 that stick out

For example Base O/2-3 zone,. In small to better understand, a offense that don't burn a lot stamina and is even. player exp is very important with 2-3zone Because its an advanced level tactic. 3 players make it work. I think the kicker is the offense selection and the stamina.

Getting the right amount of what those 3 players need is up to the community to find out

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 3/10/2015 2:34:48 PM

This Post:
268063.37 in reply to 268063.33
Date: 3/11/2015 2:08:10 PM
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Did u not say 3-2 should not be able to stop li??

yes or no.?

My point is rather than make smart remarks and get the thread closed. lets talk on topic, 3-2 can stop LI, 2-3 can stop LI too. This depends on how you build it with your players, it work because I have seen it work on a NT level, also league games.

The Big difference is those are special kind of players most of the time, How do we get it to work on everyday players at all times or at least the majority. I just have answered that as well with "cookie cutter builds" same as 3-2 zone you need 2 good builds to make it work. For 2-3zone you need 3 good people to make it work.

That's what I said . I don't know what your saying at all and I don't know why someone is giving you a ball for ignoring the question once more. Your trying to retract your statement of before, nothing wrong with making this correction with you. Why are you offended?

That what learning new things about making corrections. Not act you or I know it all, because there a lot we need to know.

From: Mr. Glass

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268063.38 in reply to 268063.36
Date: 3/11/2015 2:17:41 PM
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What offensive tactic did you play with it.?

I think the big's need some od as well. I think stopping the inside passing and scoring. leads to mid range shot in pockets. in the zone. Only 2 players can cover the pockets and that's pg/sg.

I think the center need everything in a defensive way.. I think that is the key. I think its a advanced level tactic.. you can just play it with jon doe and jim cook and think just because they are pumped with Id/sb it going to work. Every body need defensive stats.

2-3 starts at the top while 3-2 start at the bottom. This is why 3-2zones is having success.

I hope you understood what i just said.

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268063.40 in reply to 268063.39
Date: 3/11/2015 5:13:23 PM
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I had three bigs with OD 12-9-9 SF-PF-C. ID was 17 at all of them and SB was 17-18. OD on my guards was 18 and 19. With 16 and 15 PA. Tried it with different offenses. Fast medium and slow.

Sweet day in the morning! Now I see why it is so hard to talk with some people about how BB works for mid-level teams. It's not their fault, they're playing with players from a different planet from those on a mid-level team. The skills and the money they command in salaries or on the transfer market ... a completely different planet altogether.
