It's not really smart to abandon real life obligations either though :P
I think working on this website is real life, isnt it?
If the developers choose to walk away from this game and pursuit other ventures this is their choice. The only problem I have with this whole situation is
how they are doing it - posting a short message explaining the whole situation seems like no big deal to me, but maybe it is for a scientist.
The main man going bot is a horrible sign where the site is heading, like Schettino abandoning his ship...
Even if the game is not abandoned, the people who are running the show now should grab a book and learn sthg. about PR, thats a huge part of the success of such online games/communities. Sb. please explain to me why it is impossible to talk to us every now and then - Marin does a good job, but if there are a handful of people involved, and obv. its even more, its time to get them involved and get in touch with the community.