SouthMargin GameSkyhook Dreamers vs. Home Axis by 11. I got faith in ze Skyhookz!Brisbane Thunder vs. Bringing Sexy Back Nice looking roster but i've got the edge in Game Shape this weekKoops EastLewisham Wombats vs. Monkeybiz. Current #1 Aussie team has got this in the bagPancakes Jam and Cream vs. CROCKERS Gotta go with my Kevin bretheren EastChumunga vs. Black Label Society Sorry Tremell! I don't believe in your ability to set a line up before friday! :PMad Rangas vs. Chelsea Seagulls Yoda is gonna school the delinquent Rangas lol.
also matty which ones are your actual tips, you have tipped twice. can you please delete the post which you dont want!