I consider this game
(23914) as an huge upset.
The only thing Aussies had going for them was HCA and Enthusiasm (our 9 against their ~11). Oh, and advantage on C position, while we had advantage on PG-PF + better backups.
We had much better game shape than them and we were playing CT against their TIE. And somehow their 40k PF with 240k DMI was their best scorer. Their starting PG managed 8 assists - and he is listed as SG. Their starting SF, who is a C, had only 2 turnovers against OD=12 (our both SFs are at Proficient of course).
With playing TIE, they shoot 51% against our 42%, playing CT. All of our PGs and SGs combined, with passing ranging from 12-14, have only 4 more assists than all their PFs and Cs combined (13 to 9). Their C has 4 assists against OD=6.
Are you kidding me???
I conside myself a knowledgable manager and I can almost always predict the result of a game, be U21 or my team's. But in 10+ seasons I never saw anything like it. Compare our game to this game:
(22910). Huge disparity in team ratings, yet Kazahstan still wins.
So if anyone can explain me why did we lose without "you had less assists" lines, I'd be very grateful. Thanks.