I'll have to assume that you are unable to see the bigger picture.
Maybe my assumptions are wrong, but as you fail to provide data to prove me wrong you won't be able to shut me up.
I have to assume you must have some problem in text comprehension,otherwise I can't understand how can't you see that people from different countries said the same things that contradicts your proposal and you still can't se what is the point
You have to shut up because we have understand what you want to propose,and all the people that have wroten in this thread agrees that your idea does not work
Listen at least one time.If you see the bigger picture,you can see that cup bonuses elimination worsen the core problem of BB economy,the fact that many teams have to choose between fielding a competitive team or make money through tanking.FA elimination won't balance this problem,and having a lower number of teams that can spend money in the market in the end worsen the economic situation,because teams can't spend money in the market
And you don't necessarily need to keep the overall amount of money in the system stable to the actual level,that is the reason why you pointed your attention to cup bonuses as the thing that would counterbalance from an economical standpoint the money that would be put in the market by FA elimination,since there is no danger of a return to the past high inflation regime.The kind of incomes that the teams had because of arena bugs aren't there anymore