Ok, i'm doing a update now. So far we have 13 teams from Finland and 9 from Sweden. So i need at least 4 swedish team. I don't know if you guys who showed your interest this day can play in this competition this season, if you don't you will automatically play next season. (If you guys want) Sorry but it isn't enough team from Sweden so far, but it will be more team so you guys can actually maybe play in this competition, but i am not sure. I have to improve much to next time (If not Rubbercubbe or an other soul organize next time, if it will be an next time.) Anyway, so yeah, i think i will get 4 teams before the 21/12, when the matches/schedule presents. I have also spoken with Finland Team U21 Manager to decide match-day with Sweden's U21 Manager. Same with you Hene10, it would be great if you could decide a match-day with Sweden's NT-Manager. Greetings from Sweden. :-) /ImpulsivePlay3r
Last edited by ImpulsivePlay3r at 12/16/2013 4:20:07 PM