Well... Apologies but you've written so much to say nothing. You simply cannot compare Utopia to any other country/championship as it is just a few season old so pardon me but this example is irrelevant.
The situation of today's market is simple, you have 2 choices to make a good team:
1) If you have tanked for a number of season and you have $15M+;
2) Start tanking for a few seasons and meanwhile train if you want.
Well, I hope this is simple enough to understand. People lose interest and stop playing the game because they don't want to wait 12-24 months in order to save enough money to make a good team. Also, not everyone likes training and not everyone wants to train players. Does this mean those people (who do not want to train) have to leave?
Everyone but you is complaining from the market. If BBs like, you like, a few hundred more people like it, then fair enough. But in that case we come to this situation where BB is endangered of distinction because people stop playing it. I prefer to keep playing this game and more people play it for the sake of you and a few hundred more people who like the market what it is now.