My suggestion for a new european cup format
Round 1
8 Pools of 6 teams, top 4 proceed to next round. 5 games from week 2 till 6. Teams keep record between each other to the next round.
Round 2
4 Pools of 8 teams, top 3 proceed to next round. 4 games from week 7 till 10. Teams from pool A play against teams from pool B, pool C against pool D etc. Teams keep record between each other to the next round.
Round 3
2 pools of 6 teams, top 2 proceed to semi-finals. 3 games from week 11-13. Pool I plays against pool J and pool K against L.
Pool A
---------------Pool I
Pool B
‐‐-------------------------Pool M
Pool C
----‐---------Pool J
Pool D
--------------------------------------Semi-final 1
--------------------------------------Semi-final 2
Pool E
------------Pool K
Pool F
------------------------Pool N
Pool G
-------------Pool L
Pool H
Advantages: 67% of teams will play 9 games or more.
Top teams must be careful with enthusiasm because a loss in the first round could count till round 3.
Disadvantage: 33% of teams will lay just 5 games. But we can add a consolation pool like world cup. #5 teams can play in one pool each other and #6 in another pool for example.
Last edited by str77 at 12/21/2023 4:07:40 PM