Today, in my Cup game
(29039578) I had my substitute SG, Iliev
(6916789) play 1 minute at C position while both of my C's (starter, Grahovac
(8186240) and substitute, Ninkovic
(13516686)) sat on the bench.
Surely 1 minute out of 48 does not seem like a big deal here, but the point is that such substitutes makes no sense. If I set my lineup certain way, I expect those orders to be followed. Not only that this mess my training minutes, but it also looks utterly ugly on the floor as there is absolutely no logic behind playing someone like Iliev at C position. Neither he is competent to play at that position nor any of my assigned C's was injured or in foul trouble so that such substitution can be justified. And lastly, and most importantly, I guess, he was NOT assigned to play there to begin with. On the other end, he plays only 30 seconds at the SG position where he was originally assigned thus he does not get his 48 training minutes for this week. Similarly, my substitute C does not get his minutes, either :c
I understand that there is nothing you can do about it at this point, but I beg you to stop this travesty from happening in the future. Thank you.
Just for the record, I played Depth Chart until 4th Q. and I know that, in such circumstance, coach is allowed to make certain substitutions on his own in the last quarter of the game, BUT before someone takes that as an excuse for this ridiculous substitute today, let me repeat myself and say it out loud once again, there was no logic whatsoever behind benching my C's and playing at their position someone who was assigned as substitute SG. No logic. Period.