Now he dumps Tsunami before the update, to tax someone (me) Over personal grievance...dumps the rest of the team MOnday, which is fine, he scouted, no issue wtih that right? Scouting is scouting and you need to dump some players to do it.
Now our team flag is a pirate and he has put Tsunami (and only Tsunami) back on the team in some sort of petulant childish gesture. He doesn't see ANY need to make us a banner or emblem. He doesn't see any need to post communications on teh team page (same as Samuraj)...YOks use to give us regular updates. Now when he finally uses the communicate features available for him to talk to the community...
He posts this madness~
Which I am sure someone thinks is funny.
Actually, to me it is a bit comical, but not for the reason that you might think.
When i click on the NT roster and only your guy is on it, that makes me giggle. Cause obviously his beef isnt with "US" as much as it is with "YOU".
And his post on the NT page is kinda funny as well.
Think of it like this. If you were in his shoes and came to a country to take care of a team because of the previous manager cheating, would you want help or criticism from the first day.
The guy is going to be the NT coach next season. its best to make piece with that and train your player.
If your guy doesnt have prodigious ID with prolific od, i guarantee you he wont see any pf mins in front of yasujiro. So that leaves your guy fighting for mins at SF with like 8 other guys.
If your guy is/was helping him win, im sure all things considered your guy would play.
Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.