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From: Bilyb

This Post:
147228.32 in reply to 147228.30
Date: 6/19/2010 7:40:03 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Oops. Sorry all. Was confusing with something else. He is 18.
"Player 5 SF 5 5 5 5 5 A+ 5 5 5 5 5 18"

From: papag

This Post:
147228.33 in reply to 147228.32
Date: 6/19/2010 7:48:43 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
wow, he seems like he could be a fantastic pick!

GL i hope you get him :)

why can't we all draft someone like that :(

From: SirTorry

This Post:
147228.34 in reply to 147228.33
Date: 6/19/2010 9:22:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
not why we cnt draft someone like that
why cant our scouts scout someone like that and not give me a bunch of 1 ball potential or 1 ball skilled players