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BB Magyarország > Tippverseny - 14. szezon

Tippverseny - 14. szezon

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From: j4ncs1k4

This Post:
159937.32 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/15/2010 9:15:51 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. - A
2. - A
3. - B
4. - A
5. - B
6. - B
7. - A
8. - B
9. - B
10. - A
11. - 18
12. - 29
13. - 10
14. - 9
15. - 16
16. - A vagy B

From: en pude

This Post:
159937.33 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/15/2010 1:35:12 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. - B
2. - B
3. - A
4. - A
5. - B
6. - A
7. - B
8. - A
9. - B
10. - B
11. - 16
12. - 36
13. - 9
14. - 11
15. - 27
16. - A vagy B

This Post:
159937.34 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/16/2010 4:15:40 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. 14
12. 27
13. 6
14. 8
15. 16
16. A majd B

From: Bereny

This Post:
159937.35 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/17/2010 11:13:31 AM
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. 14
12. 27
13. 11
14. 8
15. 14
16. A, B

From: deakdzso

This Post:
159937.36 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/17/2010 3:51:03 PM
Carpathian Bears
Magyar Kosárlabda Liga
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Carpathian Cubs
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A

7. B
8. B
9. A
10. A

11. 11
12. 28
13. 8

14. 11
15. 12

16. C, A

From: Maiita

This Post:
159937.37 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/17/2010 5:31:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1 B
2 B
3 A
4 B
5 B
6 A
7 B
8 B
9 B
10 B
11 17
12 23
13 9
14 10
15 12
16 A,B

From: epszilon

This Post:
159937.38 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/17/2010 7:48:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A

7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B

11. 12
12. 25
13. 9

14. 9
15. 17

16. C,A

Last edited by epszilon at 10/17/2010 7:49:30 PM

This Post:
159937.39 in reply to 159937.38
Date: 10/18/2010 4:18:52 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. 20
12. 32
13. 7
14. 9
15. 20
16. Elsőként A, másodikként C.

This Post:
159937.40 in reply to 159937.39
Date: 10/18/2010 4:38:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. 22
12. 30
13. 6
14. 7
15. 18
16. A v. B

Last edited by Oregordog at 10/18/2010 4:39:00 AM

From: ewie

This Post:
159937.41 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/18/2010 4:50:52 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1: B
2: A
3: B
4: A
5: B
6: A
7: A
8: B
9: A
10: B
11: 12
12: 29
13: 10
14: 9
15: 12
16: A,B

From: Chosen

This Post:
159937.42 in reply to 159937.29
Date: 10/18/2010 4:56:18 AM
Magyar Kosárlabda Liga
Overall Posts Rated:
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. 17
12. 25
13. 6
14. 13
15. 11
16. A, B
