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BB Global (English) > Hello CSFBLers!

Hello CSFBLers!

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From: fulgin
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17697.32 in reply to 17697.31
Date: 3/7/2008 4:11:12 AM
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Hey man,

One of the big things is where you have the settings to pull the pitcher. That's in your manager settings.

I suggest pulling starters at around -30% and relievers at about -10%

Position players are good to rest at about 30%

That should help some of your pitching issues.

Also remember that the numbers you see are not accurate unless you have full spending in scouting. Otherwise all stat's are off by some number.
Hope you can get plugged into the forums over there so you can ask questions over there.


From: JayP

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17697.33 in reply to 17697.30
Date: 3/7/2008 5:39:30 PM
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I just started playing csfbl earlier this week and am really enjoying it. I would like to get in on a new league with some new BB converts if possible. I am just now able to create a team so count me in if you decide to get a league up and running.

From: Vikman

To: JayP
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17697.34 in reply to 17697.33
Date: 3/7/2008 6:19:15 PM
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Message Buck4 he is trying to work something out.
Thread on csfbl forums:

Last edited by Vikman at 3/7/2008 6:19:28 PM

From: dray
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17697.35 in reply to 17697.34
Date: 3/8/2008 9:32:36 AM
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Anyone know how you change your team name here?

From: LA-Nandoss

To: dray
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17697.36 in reply to 17697.35
Date: 3/8/2008 12:21:08 PM
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At the Front Office Page
You can also rename your franchise at the Update Your Account link found in your franchise page

Last edited by LA-Nandoss at 3/8/2008 12:22:20 PM

#1 #2 #3 #6 #10 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #31 #32 #33 #35 #00 LOSCY
This Post:
17697.37 in reply to 17697.36
Date: 3/8/2008 12:35:58 PM
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Why this post is not moved to NON BB English Forum??

This Post:
17697.38 in reply to 17697.37
Date: 3/8/2008 3:19:22 PM
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We don't have the ability to move threads yet. I've been thinking of closing this, but as long as it keeps to one thread, I'm ok with it.

This Post:
17697.39 in reply to 17697.38
Date: 3/8/2008 9:50:05 PM
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If the thread didn't have so many messages you could just shut it down and open a new one in the Non-BB. But now it's too late.

Does anyone know how many teams are interested in making a league with BB players at CSFBL? Who is keeping count?

#1 #2 #3 #6 #10 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #31 #32 #33 #35 #00 LOSCY
This Post:
17697.40 in reply to 17697.37
Date: 3/9/2008 12:07:51 AM
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Why this post is not moved to NON BB English Forum??

In a way it IS BB-related, with the current News exchange ongoing.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
17697.41 in reply to 17697.40
Date: 3/9/2008 10:55:16 AM
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Yeah, I apologize if this turned into something that didn't belong here. It was kind of a spontaneous thing. But we will hopefully be moving it over to the CSFBL forums when all the new BB players figure things out over there. In the meantime, you can BB-Mail me if you are interested or have any questions because I am trying to get this going.

From: Buck4

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17697.42 in reply to 17697.41
Date: 3/10/2008 10:38:15 AM
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Sorry again if this thread should be moved, but I figured it would be better to post here again than open a new one, but I don't know.

Anyway, if there is anyone else here at BB that also plays in CSFBL, we are trying to start a league over in CSFBL. I believe I contacted everyone that has already posted in this thread. So now I just need some more people to chime in that I don't know about. We already have about 16 teams (which means we only need 8 more to start the league). So if you play both games and would be interested, please contact me.

And if you don't play CSFBL but you may be interested, check it out. It seems a little overwhleming at first but we're all learning together. The link for the site is in the News here at BB.

Please contact me with any interest, quesitons, or comments. Thanks.
