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Rady, tipy, návody V

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From: SafaJ

To: Vrta
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262393.320 in reply to 262393.318
Date: 6/13/2020 4:13:20 AM
Red Bull Slavia Praha
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ok díky, jen se ptám, tenkrát byl charazay, což byl lepší manager než tento, tak díky za odpoved ;)

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262393.321 in reply to 262393.320
Date: 7/3/2020 8:30:46 AM
BK Slavia Praha
První liga
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Vím, že se to zde před nějakou dobou řešilo, ale nemůžu to nikde dohledat.
Jaké výhody dávají jednotlivé budovy (posilovna, tréninková hala, ...). Možná by nebylo od věci to přidat do ''návod ke hře''.
Díky za odpověď

This Post:
262393.322 in reply to 262393.321
Date: 7/3/2020 10:18:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Flumpaci Utopia
V anglické verzi Návodu ke hře to je, tak to zkus ve vlákně překlad jako požadavek na naše LA.

The Arena Designer

The arenas can be further customized via the Arena Designer. While the arena surroundings only serve as an aesthetics pleaser and give an opportunity to managers to play with and show off their environmental arrangement skills, the arena designs themselves serve a higher purpose: more costly design will attract larger crowds serving as a local attraction and sightseeing spot, even when there are no matches arranged. The crowds will visit the team merchandise store and generate additional revenue. However, the time required to pay off the initial investment might be considered quite long, especially with the pricier designs.

Team Infrastructure

Serving as part of the Arena Designer, Team Infrastructure is a collection of five buildings that provide various options for team improvement. Each of the buildings is available in three levels, but having even the lowest level of any of them should be considered luxury, therefore they are not intended for fresh teams, and even seasoned managers might need to carefully consider investing in them. This is not only due to some pretty steep initial building costs, but also due to high weekly maintenance costs that they carry with them.

Here are the five team infrastructure buildings and their effects:

1. Gym - training is hard, but a well equipped gym will motivate players to spend extra time training, giving a wider range of skills a slight boost. The effect is very similar to the already existing cross training, in essence, the gym is giving your team more cross training "slots". Higher gym levels provide more personal trainers and additional equipment, giving the team even more cross training "slots".

2. Training Court - spending valuable training time on free throws is always a hard bargain, most teams opting to do in the offseason, when normal training minutes are harder to achieve anyway. The training court will enable players to work on their free throws during the season, additional to normal training. The effect is not nearly as large as dedicating a full week of training to free throws, but at least those weeks will not be necessary as often as they are now.

3. Health&Recovery Centre - the good doctor needs all the help he can get! Additional staff, special diagnostics and therapy equipment, etc... The effect of the Health& Recovery centre is quite straightforward: the higher the level, the quicker the healing.

4. TV&Radio Station - there's no better way to build up the hype for the upcoming match than through the media! Having TV and radio shows promoting the team achievements, past and present, will result in fans buying more merchandise, tolerate losses more easily and celebrate wins longer. But keep in mind, there are limits to how high the fan spirit can rise. Additionally, season ticket sales will also have a nice boost, especially with higher levels.

5. Merchandise Store - having a luxurious store in a prominent spot will boost merchandise sales. Similarly like investing in a nice arena design, the store will take a long time to return the initial investment but after that it will generate pure profit.

Building and maintenance costs are the same for each building. The first level costs $500 000 to build, following up with $300 000 for level two and $200 000 for level three. Additionally, each level carries a weekly cost of $5000 for maintenance. These levels can be downgraded and half of the invested funds will be reimbursed.

This Post:
262393.323 in reply to 262393.322
Date: 7/9/2020 8:18:15 AM
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beru na zřetel a zkusím se k tomu prokousat, co nejdřív ;-)

From: SafaJ
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262393.324 in reply to 262393.323
Date: 7/11/2020 3:04:12 AM
Red Bull Slavia Praha
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při zalozeni druheho tymu si mohu vybrat zemi, kde budu mit druhy tym? díky

From: flumpinka

This Post:
262393.325 in reply to 262393.324
Date: 7/11/2020 4:07:04 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Flumpaci Utopia
Jestli druhým týmem myslíš Utopii, tak to je samostatná “země”, teda spíše liga, nic si nevybíráš

From: SafaJ

This Post:
262393.326 in reply to 262393.325
Date: 7/11/2020 7:29:03 AM
Red Bull Slavia Praha
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Aha, takze automaticky budu mit tym v Utopii.. Tak to o druhy tym nestojim :D

From: SafaJ
This Post:
262393.327 in reply to 262393.326
Date: 7/18/2020 11:37:40 AM
Red Bull Slavia Praha
Overall Posts Rated:
koukám, že se zase ptám já..
Mám v zaměstnancích trenéra (úroveň výjimečný) .. v zaměstnancích je ještě vedlejší personál, co když pořídím ještě trenéra mladíků?
v pravidlech - návod ke hře jsem tam o tom nic nenašel..

edit: Tím pádem, budu mít dva trenéry?
Trenér mladíků, trénuje rychleji mladší hráče?

Last edited by SafaJ at 7/18/2020 11:45:04 AM

From: rwystyrk

This Post:
262393.328 in reply to 262393.327
Date: 7/19/2020 4:39:04 PM
BC Hostivař
První liga
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Second Team:
Ano, trenér mladíků urychluje trénink u 18 a 19 letých.
Jestli zvládáš angličtinu, tak když něco nemůžeš najít v české verzi návodu ke hře, tak se mrkni do anglické verze.

Youth Trainer will focus only 18 and 19 year old players, giving them extra training on top of what they learn from the main trainer. He'll give them that all important training boost that just might make them eligible for a NT call-up (eventually!). But to really feel the change, only top level youth trainers should be hired, and those will cost you a lot though.

Last edited by rwystyrk at 7/19/2020 4:41:56 PM

From: SafaJ

This Post:
262393.329 in reply to 262393.328
Date: 7/22/2020 1:03:23 AM
Red Bull Slavia Praha
Overall Posts Rated:
moc díky za odpověď, budu tedy koukat do aj překladů ;)

From: SafaJ
This Post:
262393.330 in reply to 262393.329
Date: 10/4/2020 3:32:18 AM
Red Bull Slavia Praha
Overall Posts Rated:
Nějaká taktika, která donutí soupeře víc faulovat, pokud hraje s 5 hráči...?

Rychlá hra, nebo hrát ke koši? K tomu dát press po celém hřišti

