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BB Global (English) > Advantage to smaller country teams?

Advantage to smaller country teams?

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129389.322 in reply to 129389.321
Date: 2/1/2010 5:45:35 PM
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I may be completely wrong. Or that I have mixed it up with the impact of lowered prices. Don't get why it kept rising as I built more without me changing the prices though... Maybe because I started very low.

Last edited by Svett Sleik (U21-Scout Norge) at 2/1/2010 5:46:44 PM

This Post:
129389.323 in reply to 129389.321
Date: 2/2/2010 2:36:04 AM
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I really doubt that upgrading you have more attendance. Sounds very ilogical to me.

i am also at your side at this point, even if i believe that building early could be pretty succesfull and won#t stock you @ 1500 visitors ;)

This Post:
129389.325 in reply to 129389.324
Date: 2/3/2010 8:35:43 AM
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I agree. Being one of those teams that still makes a profit, I suppose teams like mine (all 136 of them in the game) are partly responsible for prices rising instead of falling. ( For what it's worth, I have less than 1.5 million in my bank at the moment) The problem is as much as I would like to have a team where my income was equal to my expenses I refuse to pay a ridiculous salary to a player that I don't find very appealing for my team. What's more, I have to save (or sell and save) a long time to find players who are upgrades. So, I continue to save in order to afford an upgrade but then I have a surplus of cash which alerts the economic czars that prices still need to rise, even though I would never want nor buy a player whose prices I am partly responsible for escalating.
And we aren't poor small countries. We are rich, community-less, competition-starved countries.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
129389.326 in reply to 129389.325
Date: 2/7/2010 11:54:34 AM
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maybe a half solution could eb to reduce the effect on visitors from the last game or a winning streak, actually the difference are nearly 20% and small country teams won't loose that much then the teams in the Big countrys these will help at least in the BBB competition.

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129389.328 in reply to 129389.326
Date: 2/8/2010 5:02:59 AM
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Good idea!

This Post:
129389.329 in reply to 129389.1
Date: 2/10/2010 11:59:50 AM
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i think the national tournament and b3 need to restructure
1.small countries too easy to get the tournment prize
2. tournment prize is same all over the world - thats a dis-adv to big countries winner, that means the small conuntry team don't have to paid the expense but almost same reward
3.traditional power house of local tournment too often dominate the tournment (and own the prize again)
4. b3 has only 0.2% invitee, we all love to see more

here are my solution
1. all new country start with 16 bot teams for DIV 1, new manager join from the DIV2 (no instant high Div 1 TV & merchadise income)
2. These DIV1 bot team, need to be competive at least in setting line up, so even when human manager promoted to Div 1 will found a certain challenge or they will relagete right back. (they can't keep salary low)
3. National Tournment will only invite Div2 and lower (more open local competition)
4. all Div 1 team of the same continent join to have a intercontient cup tournment (new challange for experienced manager)
5. Winner of the intercontinent will invite to join b3 the following season, and play a best of 3 game series each round. The b3 will not have any prize, it will only get a big trophy - i think everybody will be pround enough just playing in it.

This Post:
129389.330 in reply to 129389.329
Date: 2/10/2010 12:48:46 PM
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There should not be nations without any prospective of growing in the number and quality of users.That's the point
The system used to rebalance the situation used in the countries that started first the game,and that is the same that is used nowadays in the small countries,where ia also difficult that the new users can improve their level of game because they feel yet good being in I or II division,can work only if ther's a significative growth of the number of players.I don't think that in nations like Jamaica,Luxembourg or Vietnam(only to make an example),this growth can happen

So there should be some competitiveness coefficients that worked more heavily about incomes of a nation and series of the same nation(what BBs trying to make with contract Tv and merchandising,but was too little)

This Post:
129389.331 in reply to 129389.330
Date: 2/10/2010 2:56:40 PM
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As far as I know is the only problem B3 competition. So what if it would be done somehow like in european football Champions League, but twisted?
The more users that country have, more teams can compete in B3. And if is in the country barely filled II. league, these teams would have to play any pre-rounds against each other without financial benefits from arena revenue, but with disadvantages like minutes counted in GS.

So for example countries with more than 2000 users would have 3 teams in B3

countries with more than 1000 users 2 teams

more than 500 1 team

and these below would play those pre-rounds with no financial benefits before B3

Last edited by aigidios at 2/10/2010 2:58:40 PM

This Post:
129389.332 in reply to 129389.331
Date: 2/10/2010 3:43:44 PM
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As far as I know is the only problem B3 competition.

There are two kind of different problems,strictly connected

The first problem is that every user that start in a small country,begins from an high division(I or II),with consequent high incomes because they could fill a large number of seats in their palace,and good Tv contract and merchandising,and with small expenses because,except from the strongest team they don't need to have expensive roster to stay in I or II division.

Who starts in a large country had to start from IV/V/VI division,with low incomes from palaces,Tv contract and merchandising,and with about the same expenses,because also the low leagues are competitive.I started my game in a V division with at maximum 2 bot.And when you are promoted,you have to afford always greater expenses for have a roster who can compete in your league

So,the users from small country can accumulate a great amount of money in a short time,and they uses it to buy some players to improve.This players are almost the same that a user from large nation need for fight in their III/Iv division.But the user that come from a small nation has a great advantage on the market,for the reasons I explained before.But being satisfied of being in a high division,and could act on the market frequentely,they don't learn nothing about training their young players,and they improve their team only buying players yet builded from others,that they "snatch" on the market to users that cannot have their same economic strenght for the structuration of the game.This is the question that interested the large of the users,and carry also to the second problem

The second problem
are that,acting in this way,the teams behind the leaders in small country will never improve,so who are the strongest in those countries,knowing a little better(not so much,In the blind's earth,a Cyclope is the King),will continue to win easy against them,and could have always their arenas sold-out,with the consequent incomes.They can also easily win the cup,gaining the prizes from the cup.All of that keeping playing PIC almost every game,and keeping their player in a good shape.They can use all these advantages in the international competitions as B3,against who has to play NORMAL or losing some games in their tournaments or their cups.

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/10/2010 3:45:18 PM
