First of all, I want to thank you for being objective in your evaluation of my complain. If other posters were treating the issue in the same manner, I assure you that this discussion would NEVER go as far as it did.
You nicely pointed out that you don't really know what is the true reason behind the problematic substitution other than the fact that I played Depth chart until the 4th, which by the way, if you noticed, I acknowledged myself as a potential explanation in my opening post
(26712.319). As in the reality none of us know for sure what happened, I think that was more than fair starting estimate on your behalf. Then, as any rational person would, you acknowledged that the game is not perfect and that it has a plenty of space for improvement. Again, very fair and very objective. I have no problem with anything you said, and why? Because you, as I said, look at the things in fair and objective way, and you don't make any biased assumptions, but try to reason with facts which are known to you as well as to the rest of us. I can't say the same for LA-Kukoc.
Unlike you, he started with an assumption and then, what's even worse, kept defending it as if that assumption were the FACT and ONE and ONLY explanation to the issue. I believe that I offered him a PLENTY of reasons to reconsider his theory (1: Iliev was assigned as my substitute SG; my C's position was well covered. 2: Although the game was very close for the first 3 quarters, I ended up controlling 4th quarter and therefore, there was NO REAL reason for such an unorthodox substitution. 3: Assuming that that substitution was indeed a necessity, I had AT LEAST 3 better solutions than Iliev sitting on my bench. 4: Considering the fact 3, the fact that Iliev was NOT the best possible solution to replace my C's at that moment in the game, and therefore, that there was NO LOGICAL reason to make him play out of his position while my more competent players are sitting on the bench, once again proves that that substitution was unnecessary. 5: In that 1 minute of playing time at C's position, Iliev made NO IMPACT on the game or its outcome, and in matter of seconds game rolled into "walkover mode"), but he ignore all of it and just kept arguing how there is NOTHING illogical with what happened and how - and I find this to be the most ignorant claim out of all of his claims - how my assigned SG was the BEST OPTION to replace my C's at that moment in the game. And I know for FACT that that is not true. I mean, I'm the one who know the skills of my players and in that sense, if anyone is to make any kind of educated assumption, it would be me, NOT him. I think that is crystal clear, but no, he is LA-Kukoc, for God's sake, he can't be wrong. Although he has no real insight into skills of my players other than deceiving stats, he knows better than me whether Iliev substituting for my C's make sense or not.
I mean, just try to reason with someone like that, with someone who ignores all of your arguments and picks only the parts of your post for which he believes can help him to discredit you, and you will quickly find the true source of my frustration.
The latest example of that is his last post in which he accuses me how I'm avoiding the subject of FT's which is just ridiculous, and may I say, very disrespectful, too, since he is the one who continuously ignores all of my true arguments. The only reason why I overlooked his FT's argument is that his theory was so full of holes that I simply didn't have time to address it yet.
In regards to your suggestion to go and discuss this at Suggestions Forum, I don't know how to make an improvement. Unfortunately, I don't, but I never claim so, either. As I said in one of my previous posts, I came here ONLY to report what I believe should be recognized as a problem, and was hoping that BB-staff would take it from there. And by "take it from there" I mean in a constructive way, of course, not in a way it was handled so far.
Last edited by Kumboky at 11/22/2010 8:30:03 PM