For anyone who may be interested...
An obvious problem with what's being reported in this thread is that we can't really figure out training speed by looking only at the pops. We need to know what *didn't* pop as well. With that piece of information, we can start figuring out what the probability of a pop is, given age, trainer level, etc, etc. Unfortunately, figuring this out for any one person is hard because we have to wait a long time to accumulate enough data, and even then, we only know for the ages/potentials/etc of our own training.
So, here's what I propose. I'm going to start compiling training data for anyone who's interested. If we get enough people involved, we should very quickly be able to get some real results. With enough trainees, we can regress training factors against results and figure out how much age really matters? When do players hit their potential cap? Does height really matter that much?
What do you get? I will send all my results to everyone who participates. If you're interested, shoot me a BB-mail and I'll send a list of the info I need. A caveat, I will need age, height and potential as well as their current ratings. I don't ask for names, but height/age do make the players identifiable. I won't disclose this, but if you'd rather not tell me, no need to participate!
edit: I'm moving this to the other thread to hopefully build on the results they've gathered so far.
Last edited by wozzvt at 5/30/2008 11:43:55 AM