Somebody said, the perimeter offense is too weak to hit 3 pointers.. so the tactic was to give them the open shots and it worked quite well...
you got lucky.
if the other team choose an outside attack, and fielded a few players with average jump shot and average shotrange or better (and there are many players around with these abilities) you might have swallowed a decent amount of 3-pointers.
Maybe ho would only get 40%, but still, if he takes 30 shots from outside, sinking 40%, that would be 36 points in 3-pointers.
I would never safely asume that what anyone says in the forums is the truth. I might believe it, and try it out, but I will always have to see for myself before taking it as a truth.
I am not convinced the players at this time are not capable of scoring 3-point shots. I played some outside offense a few times already, and am prety pleased with it...
Especially now that many teams are negecting outside D because
there are no shooters yet, there are good possibilities out there...
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