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From: Kukoc

This Post:
130923.33 in reply to 130923.31
Date: 2/11/2010 11:52:33 AM
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They have already created some realism, by letting the scouts give you different game stats.
The problem with information sharing, is those 3-6 "friends" working together. We want to keep this game fair do we not? Ok let's say in some bizarre way everyone shares info. Depending on the players in draft you can calculate how many teams with how much invested you need in order to receive the whole draft info. Leagues with highly active players will get a huge advantage over those who are all playing for themselves. Or leagues with half bots.
Another example: What happens if your championship rival has 5 friends in the league lower position and every one of them CT-s against you and ties against others etc. No chance to gain HC for the playoffs.
I personally dislike any mutual TIE's, it borderlines cheating + I dislike any requested CT-s aswell (with no apparent gain for the CT-ing team).

This Post:
130923.34 in reply to 130923.33
Date: 2/11/2010 12:12:53 PM
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The easiest way to solve all those problems would be to make all the key stats visible to everybody. Nobody of us has ever done some scouting and still we have pretty good knowledge of how the upcoming draft class will look like. Why dont let it be the same in this game?

Drafting late isn't really a punishment if your opponents dont scout a lot or are unlucky and dont scout the key players, if everybody knew who was availiable the weak teams could pick the best players and the best teams would get the rest.

From: Kukoc

This Post:
130923.36 in reply to 130923.35
Date: 2/11/2010 4:02:00 PM
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Yes I think we are different. It's my own problem that I have been working on IT security for so long that I see a lot of loopholes before anything is implemented. But that is beside the point.
I like fair game and that's why I don't like anyone doing mutual ties etc. TIE system is fine on it's own, but everyone should play the "guess what your oponent is doing" game.
In your last reply you were talking about lower leagues. What about the top league. I don't think that in direct competition there should be any friends. 3 teams cooperating for one teams success in top division already is a big deal. Even without draft you can play for the HC advantage. There were big problems with Italyan football teams fixing games etc. It has happened in other countrys aswell. Is that good for the sport? Even some referees in NBA were calling games for money.
Why do you think draft has no names atm + all the info is kind on vague aswell? Because draft info is not ment to be shared. If 3 teams invest 5k every week and get better info from draft than a team going solo and paying 40k. We have a problem there, don't we?
The day that BB announces direct trades between teams, is the day I will search for a new game. I tryed playing travian some time ago, but found out that 90% of the people on top were actually cheating. I knew I was going to quit playing because of that and wanted to see how long it takes for them to catch a cheater. They could not catch me for a month. I even had the same password on 2 of those 5 accounts. After a month I deleted them. No point in playing a game that has no GM knowledge, tools, or presence.

From: ZyZla

This Post:
130923.37 in reply to 130923.36
Date: 2/12/2010 4:29:30 AM
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Almost everything you have said here is off-topic ;) (I mean about TIE and CT)

some time ago I wrote kind a nice counting how long it would take to scout whole list of players and how much money every cooperating team should spend on that... Other thing is that I pretty much suggested 3 steps scouting system and explained that is pretty much very hard to get some useful info by cooperating with other teams (I forgot to mention that every team get different game stats for the same player)... But if those friend are willing to spend 40k each for whole season to know some good players those could be drafted by other teams just cause they accidently scouted those or was lucky, so be it...

Why do you think draft has no names atm + all the info is kind on vague aswell? Because draft info is not ment to be shared. If 3 teams invest 5k every week and get better info from draft than a team going solo and paying 40k. We have a problem there, don't we?

So we offer now in the new idea of drafts scouting system that spending 40k (using 4 scouting point) you could scout 4 players once/2 players twice/1 player 3rd time per week. So here team spending 5k (1 point) per week would be able to scout player just once getting info about age, position and height (S,M,L,X,XL,XXL), so he wont get any real good info and probably would draft almost blind just knowing that he wanna payer playing as PG as example. SO if he want some more accurate info he should spend 10k so he could use 2 scouting point (that is needed for scouting second time same player) he would get additional info about that player rating, potential, grade.. And if he wanna really accurate info about him, so he`ll scout him 3rd time spending 40k (4 point) to get info about his skill (3 skills would be known) RB/ID/IDorOD/OD/PA (C/PF/SF/SG/PG)+JS+JR/IS (PG/SG--SF/PF/C). But he spent 3weeks and 55k to get info about only one player and what if he is unlucky and noticed after 2nd time scouting that that player is useless? While you can spend 40k each week and get 2 players scouted once, 2 scouted twice and 1 scouted 3times, but the main point is that after first week you have a choice from 4 players to scout 2 of them 2nd time then you can choose one of them scout 3rd time or after 1st week choose one player scout 2nd time and scout two players once from still not scouted players... My point is that you would have a choice with more possibilities to choose what you want depending on what are you looking for...

And if someone tries to cooperate, so they all have to scout all the Centers or PG or so on... twice to be able to compare their info spending lots of money and wasting lots of time for getting knowledge of just few players from all in the list. I don`t mind if they do this, cause it`s not worth that... Cause all the revenue could be taken just by one team from all cooperating ones and it`s always a chance that I`ll scout that player too and I`ll et better pick so they`ll get nothing from their cooperation. (and if they wanna scout all one position players twice so firstly they have to scout hole list once to be sure they will scout all Centers or all PGs or so on...)

And I still think there should be 60 players list so scouting would be more important as if no teams scouts there would be a chance that 12 best players wont be drafted at all.

P.S. By the way if game makes friends, makes community who shares one interest and even become friends in real life, so it huge success for the game.

Last edited by ZyZla at 2/12/2010 4:33:38 AM

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
From: aigidios

This Post:
130923.38 in reply to 130923.37
Date: 2/12/2010 8:35:50 AM
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These are interresting ideas you made, getting from scouted player more deep informations more players on draftlist which could be wasted and so on..

What I would like to focus on is the weekly schedule of scouted players itself. It doesnt make any sense to have here something like that unless it would offer any kind of interaction.

So what I mean is the list which would be filled by every week depends on how many players you scouted. If you would choose no interaction, scouts would just continue in theirs work as you suggest (1, 2, 3 scouting levels depends on how much money you will give them, more deep and wide their work will be that week)..

However you would have an option to focus on any player you choose by clicking on the button. So two of your scouts would spend there another week and uncover him on third level of scouting. If you have more scouts for that week, the rest would do random job as usually (there would be possibility that one of them would uncover another player on third level or just 1st), if you have just 1 scout, it would cost him two weeks of work to uncover that player.

What I mean by this is to have an option to hire as many scouts as you want, while they can do for you same work, but it depends on you how usefull they would be for you.

From: ZyZla

This Post:
130923.39 in reply to 130923.38
Date: 2/12/2010 9:25:50 AM
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What I would like to focus on is the weekly schedule of scouted players itself. It doesnt make any sense to have here something like that unless it would offer any kind of interaction.

So what I mean is the list which would be filled by every week depends on how many players you scouted. If you would choose no interaction, scouts would just continue in theirs work as you suggest (1, 2, 3 scouting levels depends on how much money you will give them, more deep and wide their work will be that week)..

My point is that you would have list of 60 players from the start of new season. You would see just player number on the list and no other info. You could use up to 4 scouting point per week (1pt-5000, 2pt-10000, 3pt-30000 and 4pt-40000)

So firstly you would have to choose how much you invest. After you`ve chosen it from drop down menu page reloads.

List would look like this:

Nr.1 O O O
Nr.2 O O O
Nr.20 O O O
Nr.22 O O O
Nr.60 O O O

O indicates place there you can click to choose if you want to scout that player.

So if you use 40k it would look like and wanna scout players 1, 20, 21 and 60, so you click on them on the first circle as other two are not available till player isn`t scouted once (3rd one isn`t available till player isn`t scouted 3times) (first circle cost you 1pt scouting, 2nd cost 2pt and 3rd one cost 4pt)

Nr.1 O O O
Nr.2 O O O
Nr.20 O O O
Nr.22 O O O
Nr.60 O O O

So next week I see

Nr.1 v O O info: S, PG, 19 +stats
Nr.2 O O O
Nr.20 v O O info: XL, SG, 19 +stats
Nr.22 v O O info: XXL, C, 18 +stats
Nr.60 v O O info: M, PF, 18 +stats

I invest 30k that week, so I choose 3pt - 30 000$ from drop down menu and use my 3 scouting point. As I`m looking for a Center, so I choose nr.22 to be watched 2nd time and nr.2 1st time:

Nr.1 v O O info: S, PG, 19 +stats
Nr.2 O O O
Nr.20 v O O info: XL, SG, 19 +stats
Nr.22 v O O info: XXL, C, 18 +stats
Nr.60 v O O info: M, PF, 18 +stats

and so on...

I hope you get my point how it would actually work.

However you would have an option to focus on any player you choose by clicking on the button. So two of your scouts would spend there another week and uncover him on third level of scouting. If you have more scouts for that week, the rest would do random job as usually (there would be possibility that one of them would uncover another player on third level or just 1st), if you have just 1 scout, it would cost him two weeks of work to uncover that player.

What I mean by this is to have an option to hire as many scouts as you want, while they can do for you same work, but it depends on you how usefull they would be for you.

I mean no such a thing as you could watch same players spending 5k/week 3 week and reveal 2nd base info as well as no random accidently revealing 3rd or 2nd base info spending just one scouting point. Everything would be clear and simple

Last edited by ZyZla at 2/12/2010 9:32:18 AM

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=
This Post:
130923.40 in reply to 130923.39
Date: 2/12/2010 9:42:07 AM
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Well, the messages were too many and my time too little to read the thread, could someone make a summary? :)
My suggestion about the draft system: Why don't we pick 2 players instead of 3 every year. Everyone of us fires a draft every season...

This Post:
130923.41 in reply to 130923.40
Date: 2/12/2010 11:35:24 AM
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I'd rather have 3 and fire 1, then only get 2, and risk the chance that 1 of those are bad and I have to fire him.

And there is no harm in getting 3.

From: aigidios

This Post:
130923.42 in reply to 130923.39
Date: 2/12/2010 11:52:59 AM
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There you are. I like it.

However draft could turn into bothering duty if you have to do these things every week to be effective. I have the "advantage" in that I know how to hate pint-sized work in cycling period over and over..

There has to be any kind of filter. So I can send scouts specificly to watch for XL-XXL, 18-19y, SF, PF, C and they will send me a BB-Mail after they will find one. Therefore I will not be bothered by clicking on totally hidden players if I dont want to and will have situation handled even if I will not follow it every week.

Second option would be that they would scout in deep every player I specify. So may happen that I will set these options at the beginning of the season and will not change them until the end. Scouts will just, according to instructions, uncover all players which meets my demands in every level.

Third option - I can choose which level I want to uncover on them (2nd or 3rd).

Last edited by aigidios at 2/12/2010 11:54:30 AM

From: ZyZla

This Post:
130923.43 in reply to 130923.42
Date: 2/13/2010 9:18:32 AM
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However draft could turn into bothering duty if you have to do these things every week to be effective. I have the "advantage" in that I know how to hate pint-sized work in cycling period over and over..

There has to be any kind of filter. So I can send scouts specificly to watch for XL-XXL, 18-19y, SF, PF, C and they will send me a BB-Mail after they will find one. Therefore I will not be bothered by clicking on totally hidden players if I dont want to and will have situation handled even if I will not follow it every week.

Second option would be that they would scout in deep every player I specify. So may happen that I will set these options at the beginning of the season and will not change them until the end. Scouts will just, according to instructions, uncover all players which meets my demands in every level.

Third option - I can choose which level I want to uncover on them (2nd or 3rd).

Firstly we should try this as simple as possible scouting system I have suggested and only after that we could talk if we really need some upgrades like you suggest, cause it makes the whole thing way more hard to program for BBs.

Even my one would be kind a difficult task for BBs to make it come to life Maybe even servers would not be able to handle load it would create...

One more point why I don`t like your point is that you are trying to implement more and more random that I actually hate.

And such an upgrades makes cooperation more possible.

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=