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Ideal JR for SF

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228815.33 in reply to 228815.30
Date: 11/1/2012 2:59:04 PM
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Guards with 9-10 JR in D.IV - D.III will hit threes in around .40. So what's I'm saying is that SF with JR 8 will do just fine, don't need to get it up to 10 unless you are building RnG SF. Otherwise just save the cap and salary and focus more on other skills. Then for JS 19-20 is a waste on SF especially. You don't need more than 16-18 and greater than 16 is for D.I.

I can quite definitely dispute that a 9-10 JR guard will knock down anything near 40% of his threes in III, at least against teams that are of III caliber and not tanking/bots.

Yes sorry, posted before checking. They can hit in a range of .30-.35

From: ibarix

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228815.34 in reply to 228815.13
Date: 11/2/2012 12:20:04 PM
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I don't think JR is that important for a SF in LI tactic. If you want a SF for that tactic, I would rather train more driving and maybe some passing.

You are right. JR is not so important. According to coach parrot, SF in Look inside needs more IS, REB, PAS and OD in that order of importance.

From: RayRAY

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228815.35 in reply to 228815.34
Date: 11/6/2012 9:08:40 AM
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Second Team:
HK Training Center
May I ask a question?
If I have 2 SF with the same IS, ID, RB,
first one has better HA and PAS but weaker JS,OD,
second one has better JS, OD but weaker HA, PAS.
Which one should I choose for Look inside's SF and PF?

From: ibarix

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228815.36 in reply to 228815.35
Date: 11/6/2012 9:49:06 AM
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May I ask a question?
If I have 2 SF with the same IS, ID, RB,
first one has better HA and PAS but weaker JS,OD,
second one has better JS, OD but weaker HA, PAS.
Which one should I choose for Look inside's SF and PF?

Good question.
Coach parrot says that JS, OD and PAS are much more important for SFs in Look inside then for PFs which is logical. HAN is about equal. OD is very valuable in this game so I would put second player (better JS, OD) at SF and first one (better HAN, PAS) at PF spot.

From: RayRAY

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228815.37 in reply to 228815.36
Date: 11/6/2012 10:50:30 AM
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Second Team:
HK Training Center
I usually put a better JS and OD to SF position becasue I also think OD is important.

From: Fresh24

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228815.38 in reply to 228815.37
Date: 11/7/2012 6:40:17 PM
Syndicalists' BC
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I'd put the player with better JS and OD as PF but have him defend SFs if you can.

From: RayRAY

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228815.39 in reply to 228815.38
Date: 11/8/2012 1:17:38 AM
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Second Team:
HK Training Center
OH, it is a good idea!!
But how does JS work in SF for Look inside tactic?
IS primary, JS secondary?

From: Big Dogs

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228815.40 in reply to 228815.39
Date: 11/8/2012 4:36:35 PM
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My order of importance would be like that. But you always want the SF to have good JS, since they can end up taking lots of shots.

From: LCCW
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228815.41 in reply to 228815.40
Date: 11/15/2012 4:26:43 AM
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It really depends on what type of def and how many OD the opp has.

for example opp OD 7, m2m def
if u want to shoot less and u have other position(able to create a shoot), then use a JR < 5, then ur SF will try to pass or drive than take the outside shot

on the other hand if u want to blow the SF up from the outside, use JR > 9
then when ur SF receive the ball, they will shoot first

combine with OFF tactic than focus on outside shooting like motion, Rng, princeton
then u can really blow the 3 up from the SF spot
on the other hand the opp can decrease the effect by outside def like 3-2, 131