This is something I have been talking about off and on for several real world years but still none seem to get it, especially Marin.
Hey keep trying to persuade people they should play the game logically and rationally, the same way you play and that Marin thinks they should, it just shows how apart you two guys are on this issue. It's all perfectly logical, ASSUMING that people behave rationally and are playing the way they should (eg to accumulate as many resources as they can). Once you remove the rationality assumption, the whole reasoning collapses.
I simply noted that you recently said that things are not working that way they it looked like you finally had a reality check somehow and realised that you (and Marin) were wildly incorrect in your assumptions since the results are clearly not what you thought they would be. Marin seems to have had a similar epiphany since the number of FAs mysteriously ballooned recently.
You know, the only actual argument you could make to support the idea that inflation is caused by too much income (as you insisted for months) is in
relative terms and not absolute as you repeatedly put it. It's not the cash people make on average that it's relevant here, it's whether teams now earn more cash than they used to, otherwise it's common sense to conclude that the users have the same disposable income they had in the past and that something else has a larger impact on prices (eg supply of players on the market).
Last night a free agent 30 y/o guard with 127 skill points
I'd love to see that, I looked yesterday for OD>18 PA>14 Price<790k and I saw no 30yo with 127 TSP. I think this is the usual Trainerman's personal number inflation. You are a serial offender: when we're lucky you round up, when we're not you make them up. In any case, Marin's prototypical FA (the ones he deemed worth saving in the last few seasons) had 20 DR and 20 HA, with decent to mediocre (10s-12s) other skills. I doubt you think all skills are worth the same, so please spare us the farce that would ensue is we start discussing about this. Post the skills and the reasons why you didn't buy him if it was such a great bargain.
Its all about the time of day. Less than 200 users online most of the time now. Right day of week the same player that sold for 20k might sell for 500k, literally. With price FLUCTUATION comes price instability and speculation madness LOL
Urgh I thought you repeatedly stated that we should all build our arenas because making money from players is SO00oo hard! :? Ah yeah that was at the time when you also refused to think in terms of team overall value and you only wanted to look at $ per week...
You are no expert at anything, and don't try to drop my name like I understood something you figured out. Never happened lemonhead.
You keep teaching basketball to girls and I will keep doing my job. I don't need to prove anything to anybody (you included). Not about basketball and even less about economics or finance!
On a second thought, the usual page long partially inconsequential rant makes me doubt you have actually understood the basic fallacies in your reasoning...
Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/1/2015 7:50:04 AM