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Advantage to smaller country teams?

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129389.332 in reply to 129389.331
Date: 2/10/2010 3:43:44 PM
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As far as I know is the only problem B3 competition.

There are two kind of different problems,strictly connected

The first problem is that every user that start in a small country,begins from an high division(I or II),with consequent high incomes because they could fill a large number of seats in their palace,and good Tv contract and merchandising,and with small expenses because,except from the strongest team they don't need to have expensive roster to stay in I or II division.

Who starts in a large country had to start from IV/V/VI division,with low incomes from palaces,Tv contract and merchandising,and with about the same expenses,because also the low leagues are competitive.I started my game in a V division with at maximum 2 bot.And when you are promoted,you have to afford always greater expenses for have a roster who can compete in your league

So,the users from small country can accumulate a great amount of money in a short time,and they uses it to buy some players to improve.This players are almost the same that a user from large nation need for fight in their III/Iv division.But the user that come from a small nation has a great advantage on the market,for the reasons I explained before.But being satisfied of being in a high division,and could act on the market frequentely,they don't learn nothing about training their young players,and they improve their team only buying players yet builded from others,that they "snatch" on the market to users that cannot have their same economic strenght for the structuration of the game.This is the question that interested the large of the users,and carry also to the second problem

The second problem
are that,acting in this way,the teams behind the leaders in small country will never improve,so who are the strongest in those countries,knowing a little better(not so much,In the blind's earth,a Cyclope is the King),will continue to win easy against them,and could have always their arenas sold-out,with the consequent incomes.They can also easily win the cup,gaining the prizes from the cup.All of that keeping playing PIC almost every game,and keeping their player in a good shape.They can use all these advantages in the international competitions as B3,against who has to play NORMAL or losing some games in their tournaments or their cups.

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/10/2010 3:45:18 PM

This Post:
129389.333 in reply to 129389.332
Date: 2/10/2010 5:03:01 PM
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Is not so easy to develop team from V. league, but it is not impossible. If there actually is someone with both eyes, will not be such a problem to beat a Cyclope.
I mean they can always train and sell their players, wages are exponential so Cyclop can end up with higher salary anyway. Would be not good to create from this competition something what will arrange same basics for everyone at the start of the game if it is not necessary - and definitively it is not necessary if you consider a fact that you can promote even from lowest league.

I would understand your claims if this would be hattrick. But here you can develop a players which will be so unique, that no Cyclop would beat you, unless you are the one.

Last edited by aigidios at 2/10/2010 5:05:02 PM

This Post:
129389.334 in reply to 129389.333
Date: 2/10/2010 5:12:03 PM
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How do I can explain that the problem of developing is for the teams of smaller countries??????
I made two promotions in 5 season,I know how to develop my players,because I've had to fight from the first days against strong opponents.Many of the teams of small countries never didn't that.They continue to have poor team.But for this they have few expenditures,high incomes because they are in an high division,and so they have much money to act on the market and beat the users of the large countries in the various auctions for the players,that could be useful for the users of a III/IV division in the greater countries.And for that the teams in these III/IV division in large countries are disadvantaged compared to the users who plays in small countries
In few words:the weakness of many of the teams in the small countries damages the users of the medium division(mainly III/IV but also some V pool) in the large countries

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/10/2010 5:25:23 PM

This Post:
129389.335 in reply to 129389.334
Date: 2/10/2010 5:56:53 PM
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I said the same thing on that threat thousand times, but my Italian friends doesnt seem to understand. Even if the small countries have less financial power, will NOT make your life easier. The other teams on your division will get the same advantage as you. ALL the teams on your division will be stronger.

And please dont tell me that you really care if the Cypriot manager or Nigerian or any other who is coming from small country, if they know what they are doing or not.

This Post:
129389.336 in reply to 129389.334
Date: 2/10/2010 6:24:47 PM
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I understand, but the problem is same for everyone in Italian 5th league, that any noob from Czech Republic will overbid them. Therefore it is fair, because everyone will compete against teams with the same options.

Anyway I can imagine to create any independent lowleague cup for big countries. Could help the point that teams from second league will not beat half season only V-IV. league teams and would have tight games from the beginning as well as these from lowest leagues, which would compete just against each other. Maybe would be great that team from IV league can win a lowleague cup.

This Post:
129389.338 in reply to 129389.335
Date: 2/11/2010 9:40:48 AM
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I said the same thing on that threat thousand times, but my Italian friends doesnt seem to understand. Even if the small countries have less financial power, will NOT make your life easier. The other teams on your division will get the same advantage as you. ALL the teams on your division will be stronger.

And please dont tell me that you really care if the Cypriot manager or Nigerian or any other who is coming from small country, if they know what they are doing or not.

I care from the Cypriot or Nigerian user,when it's also useful for me,obviously.The problem is that the market is global,I have the same possibility of a user of the my level in Italy,but I don't have the same possibilites of the users of my same level around the world.And I'm embittered If I see that someone in the game can improve for their economic advantages,while I had to work much more harder to train well my players and to improve my team.If this concept had to work for ads threads(that moreover will not gave any advantage to us in-game),why it should not be valid for the other aspects of the game(that moreover gave great advantages in-game)?
They closed our threads,but they doesn't have the same strenght(also if they made something) to fix this worse situation

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/11/2010 9:41:14 AM

This Post:
129389.339 in reply to 129389.338
Date: 2/11/2010 10:13:24 AM
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Maybe i can have better players than you. So what? how is that affecting you?? I am not the team that you have to beat.
Indeed is global market, but the competition is domestic. If the competition was global, then i could understand that you have a point.

You can have better team than me, but that doesnt mean that your team will be better than your opponent on your league. You will still have to work the same for your success.

So you can have better players, but nothing will change for you. I will have worse players, and i will never have the to make some noise on B3. So everything will be worse for us, but the same for you.

Conclusions are all yours folks.

Greedy people...

This Post:
129389.340 in reply to 129389.339
Date: 2/11/2010 10:21:35 AM
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Having better players in a shortly period of time,will help me in my competition.
These are not folks.And you should not necessarily have some kind of penalty for you,If you have to beat almost the same difficulties of the others.So,or it will grow the competitiviy in your country,or the others team in the B3 should be damaged by your advantage in your league,that favors you,having the players in a good shape always,and have money from your always full palace.And however you will be in the same conditions oy your countrymates,or this is wrong?

This Post:
129389.341 in reply to 129389.340
Date: 2/11/2010 10:27:24 AM
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Having better players in a shortly period of time,will help me in my competition.

Your opponents will have the same advantage, though, which renders this whole point moot. You can buy better players in a shorter period of time but so can they. Your competitive advantage stays the same.

And however you will be in the same conditions oy your countrymates,or this is wrong?

Is this not exactly the point he is trying to make to you?

You can be jealous of the small countries if you like. Just do not pretend that more money for all the teams in your country will somehow help you to get into the Pro A faster. In fact, it is likely to do the opposite, as the top teams will just get richer and make your climb that much harder.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
From: Ref

This Post:
129389.342 in reply to 129389.339
Date: 2/11/2010 10:32:44 AM
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Completly agreed....
No offence but does anybody see anyone other complaining other than Spain and Italia???No Poland(3 biggest) etc. Even i'm from 7 biggest country in users and i don't complain. Like it's been mentioned 100 times that BB is long term game and extra 50k is not got really help in long run if you don't plan correctly...
The B3 thing is most ridicoulus one,its important for very very little amount of teams...

Last edited by Ref at 2/11/2010 10:53:50 AM
