If I would have Dwight as a starter and Shaq as a sub at C I would prolly put in Stojakovic to play that C spot in end game situation. But hey that's just me.
Yea, you say that now, but in a real life situation you probably wouldn't do that, or if you would, you probably wouldn't stay a head coach for too long. But what is interesting to me is that you pick Stojakovic who is 6'10" and who could, in a case of an absolute necessity, cover that position fairly well due to his size.
But nevermind that, let me ask you this. If you had on your roster both Stojakovic and Nowitzki, which one out of mentioned two would you rather have to cover C position? Stojakovic still? I don't think so. And that is exactly my point, assuming again that substitution which happened in my game was absolutely necessary, I had much more suitable players to cover C position than Iliev. As I have mentioned a numerous times by now, I had both Preseren and Ðurovski sitting on the bench at that moment, and they both have much better combination of inside and outside skills than Iliev while still matching Iliev's FT shooting skills. Same stands for Vujicic, but I'll leave him out this time on account that his FT shooting was an issue.