One thing to keep in mind in a zone is that players aren't stupid and aren't going to take well gaurded shots so just as in m2m you see your weaker defenders defend more shots, in a zone you will see weaker defenders/areas exploited. A zone will work well for you if it hides your weaknesses and your opponent is not equipped either tactically or personell wise to take advantage
Forrest thanks to try to help me but honestly I didn't get the sense of your post. If you analize the starting five only Marchignoli is really weak all the other players should be equipped quite well, we played the final cup last season with more or less the same players. So as written above even if Marchignoli was "sodomized"
by Lamache, it's strange the % of Mazzurana, then, my personal opinion, I think that the defence m2m is the easier way to defend, the risk in this case is zero, instead if you defend 2-3 against r&g you make a big mistake, that's why I suggest you to improve the "power" of the zone defence the game will be more fun ;)
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