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Outside attack too strong ?

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From: JohnnyB

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125704.336 in reply to 125704.335
Date: 1/25/2010 4:21:00 PM
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No argument at all here. Just dont make C's like guards...

From: Emilio

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125704.337 in reply to 125704.334
Date: 1/25/2010 5:03:02 PM
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Tactics are useless without the adequate 5 starters and 5 backups.
Tactics are just one part of the game with a relative importance, not even close to be the most important, and it is not so decisive because of the coach tactic changes during the match.
Good equilibrated players will fit all tactics, so they will play well even if the manager chose the "wrong" initial tactic. A bad selection of players for a particular tactic is punished by the game engine.

The faster you learn this, the faster you will get to the top and win games.

Those who still think that setting a tactic in BuzzerBeater is just going to the tactic page for the next match a set a tactic regardeless of your players, are missing most of the tactical depth of BuzzerBeater. It is like playing chess without knowing that the Queen can move in all directions.

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: JohnnyB

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125704.338 in reply to 125704.337
Date: 1/25/2010 5:20:15 PM
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Well 1 part of tactics (as the real life) is to have the right players to use them. But you cant resist to exploit for example the poor big men of the opposite team even if you dont have the right players to do it. You are talking for the good players that the 90% of them cant bought from the majority of the teams. We all know that the ideal is 1 player have 20 on all of his skills, but we all know that we cant have that.

O fcourse if i play against much weaker team than mine i should win anyway, couz after all good players is the 1st

We dont have the chance to change tactics during the game, so i would love my trainer to listen my advices, couz he is just a machine, he knows only 0 or 1. So i want my trainer to follow strictly my instructions. If i am wrong, then i can use the ratings to evaluate what i did wrong, and the next game i will adjust my team/tactics.

Maybe after all the problem are the ratings. They dont give us the proper feedback. The less that we are impact the game the less fun we get

Last edited by JohnnyB at 1/25/2010 5:21:38 PM

From: Emilio

To: red
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125704.340 in reply to 125704.339
Date: 1/25/2010 6:44:21 PM
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I agree with you and that's exactly how I prepare my matches.
BuzzerBeater (and probably basketball too) is a game of "small advantages". There many small parts of the game where you can win or loss, and the match outcome is a combination of all these small things. Fortunately there is not a dominating skill (like playmaking in HT), so you may be good at some and less good in others sides of the game. I think the main idea of the game is "you can't have everything", so you have to decide.

Team ratings simply can´t summarize perfectly all this complexity, but they can help if you know how to understand them. And of course, you can easily hide you real potential to those "rating and tactics" users.

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: Newton07

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125704.341 in reply to 125704.337
Date: 1/26/2010 4:45:09 AM
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No, something is wrong with some managers, because tactics are quite useless if you don´t have the appropriate players.

Tactics are useless without the adequate 5 starters and 5 backups.

The faster you learn this, the faster you will get to the top and win games.

I am not really interesting is a conversation like this. Please, my god, enlighten me! :D
Seriously, I guess we are talking two different languages. Of course the best manager is the one that adapts the best to the game engine. Of course the best manager is the one winning the most.

Tactics are not so important in BuzzerBeater

That's exactly my point. They should be more.
But not because I am not good enough to take the best from the GE... because it would be more fun. As simple as this.

This Post:
125704.342 in reply to 125704.340
Date: 1/26/2010 8:33:50 AM
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I am not sure what you are talking about. To me, setting a line-up is a part of setting tactics. So I would say that tactics are incredibly important in BB.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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125704.343 in reply to 125704.342
Date: 1/26/2010 8:43:43 AM
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Ok, I have read some of the points of people defending the new engine and I am starting to understand them. Here is my main issue, though:

-the new tactic that is emerging is for people to play PGs at the SF position when they play look inside. This does two things: it bolsters your outside defense so that the SF cannot make passes. It also allows you to get the ball into the hands of your big men at a fairly high frequency.
-it is a great way to find a fairly inexpensive SF. Not many SFs in the world can do everything. But there is almost no trade-off here. You defend well and you play offense pretty well using a PG here. Of course, PGs are fairly rare, too and this is driving up their prices.

But does this not seem unrealistic? Would you put an NBA PG up against Lebron and expect good results?

I have a suggestion to end this silliness, but again my question is: is this the way we want BB? If so, then there is no point discussing suggestions.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
From: Emilio

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125704.344 in reply to 125704.341
Date: 1/26/2010 9:47:00 AM
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Tactics are not so important in BuzzerBeater

That's exactly my point. They should be more.
But not because I am not good enough to take the best from the GE... because it would be more fun. As simple as this.

When you say "tactic", you probably mean "look inside, run&gun, motion...", what is a poor concept of tactic. This "tactic" is not so important in BuzzerBeater. It is just a limited model for the simulation of the "pace" and "focus" in real basket.

But "Tactic" (with capital letter) is something much wider than just setting "look inside" and set a line-up with 3 centers. This "Tactic" involves the design of players with training according to your long-term strategy.

Anyway, everybody is free to build their own kind of team based on their basketball knowledge or personal preferences, and use whatever "tactic" or "Tactic" accordingly. What I don´t like is that those who fail in this, are willing to change the game engine instead of changing their mind.

I may be wrong
but I have the feeling that some users who don´t fully understand how the GE works, are trying to promote GE changes on the basis of a very simple view of the game: tactics and ratings. My apologies if I´m wrong, but that's my feeling from reading this long debate thread.

I am from Spain (one of the biggest BB countries which is, by the way, very under-represented in these kind of discussions), and in my conference two pretty well-designed "inside teams" played the conference final after defeating strong outside teams and even suparssing the "incredibly powerful" HCA... and another inside (but versatile) team of my conference played the final of the national tournament.

Shall I promote a game engine change to favor equilibrated teams against highly specialized outside/inside teams?

Last edited by Emilio at 1/26/2010 9:53:45 AM

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
This Post:
125704.345 in reply to 125704.343
Date: 1/26/2010 10:17:42 AM
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But does this not seem unrealistic? Would you put an NBA PG up against Lebron and expect good results?

The Pistons played Stuckey at the 3 for long periods on LBJ & others, with good results. I merely point this out as I am a Pistons fan!!!

There are alot of Post on this one, so please forgive me if someone else has already brought this up. Push the Ball seems to be the best Tactic, most BBB Finals have been won playing this way & your coach will play to where the team is having the most success. I play this way mainly & see a better performance from my team, although my Offensive flow is down compared to LIS or RNG.

The points per 100 shots, would this be affected by the 3pt shot, miss 2 3's=6--miss 2, 2"=4 & vise vercer. Bigger affect on your scoring percentage, one way or the other?

I do go along with the idea that the 3-2 Zone is too strong when defending the Inside, yes you could argue that the inbound pass would be harder, but good drivers, aka Wade, can & would eat up a 3-2 zone because they wouldn't need the inbound pass.
I've only been in this game since Christmas, so I'm still learning, so please be gentle if some of my comments don't make sense. :-)

Right is not a popularity contest!
This Post:
125704.346 in reply to 125704.345
Date: 1/26/2010 10:23:50 AM
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The Pistons played Stuckey at the 3 for long periods on LBJ & others, with good results. I merely point this out as I am a Pistons fan!!!

Well, I do not know the game of basketball very well. But if a PG is a good option against a SF in real life, then I guess BB has it right and there is nothing to complain about.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager