I think the my substitution pattern of strictly follow depth chart is actually depth chart until 4th because the trainee which I set to play one full game always got substitute out at the 4th quarter and never get to play at all for the 4th quarter, these is some of the game>
(26629507)Is it a bug or this is actually the way its suppose to works?
Please do notify me if there is any changes made as I'm trying to have all 3 of my trainee to get full training minutes per week, as for now I'm trying other substitution pattern to get a better result.
I'm trying to have all 3 of my trainee to get full training every week, but the trainee which I set to play a full game for the 1st game of the week always sub out of the game at 4th quarter which ruin the training minutes that I'm trying to alllocate, therefore instead of getting full training minutes for all 3 of my trainee, only 2 of them manage to get full training minutes.
Last edited by Vandar at 12/7/2010 5:37:05 AM