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BB Global (English) > Bribe the referee!?!?

Bribe the referee!?!?

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22141.34 in reply to 22141.33
Date: 4/3/2008 6:10:42 AM
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Well I like jokes a lot but this one made me lose my game and the 1st playoff spot... I didn't check on my tactics as they were already set. Now I lost with 28 fouls against 8 for my opponent:S So it's obvious he bribed. This first place is way more worth than 100.000 in cash because of the home advantage.
So basically april jokes should consist of options like steriods which do not do anything or stories that are not true. I too think it hurts the game in long term when jokes like these can affect outcome of matches. I see that it's funny when you win of course but this joke hasn't been distributed equally across users as some noticed and some just didn't.

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22141.35 in reply to 22141.34
Date: 4/3/2008 6:43:01 AM
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The options "bribe de referee" did not work at all, just a joke, when you choose the option a message warns you that this option does not exists.

On the other hand, I think the other team probably bribed your coach and players (;-), as he chose defending outside (1-3-1) when your opponent was attacking inside (Look-Inside)... and your players took it easy (or the other team CT).

Last edited by Emilio at 4/3/2008 6:47:07 AM

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
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22141.36 in reply to 22141.35
Date: 4/3/2008 6:59:25 AM
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haha then it was such a good joke that it even fooled me:D Then I assume that my players just wanted to hit the opponent because they couldn't win:P I took a gamble on TIE and outside defence as he played motion most of the times, too bad