His last comment took something i never said and implied that i did.
your correct on his lowish JS and JR. I don't find that hard to train up. I don't like training up OD per say, but i think it gets a tremendously bad rap as something that is untrainable. I feel that the players listed in this manner are also significantly undervalued for what they are. If i get two or three of them and can simultaniously train them all up at the same time, then it makes them far more valuable to me, and to the TL as a whole. Runyon might be on the low end. but i think he at the time of the draft was worth more than the 4k offer. He wasn't worth the first listing a week beforehand. think it was roughly 175k.
I'd disagree on the whole with the assessment that Runyon isn't worth the training resources. I certainly wouldn't keep him as the first or second guy in line, but assuming i cover my minutes in a given week with my first two trainees i see no reason not to go ahead and turn him into something rather than wasting minutes on a nobody on my roster, or a 1k player who has zero secondaries.
I would fully agree with you on the OD side being poor, but i also did a bit of analysis on how hard it would be to train a guy from a 2IS/3ID vs a 1 OD, and found that i would save 3-4 weeks training OD rather than secondaries, if i were to train them at the same time. And on the whole, the later it got into the players age, the worse it seemed to get. If i train HA and OD, and we start at a 2/2 OD/HA and a 2/2 IS/ID or ID/REB, then it's much the same thing. Even though the ID/REB benefit from one another, they still only match the training speed.
I don't really develop players for profit that often, and i do agree that when i sell him for the amount i expect to fetch, i'll probably end up overall with a loss based on salary costs, but it'll give me an idea of where i need to start from if i take a secondaries starting point on a guard.