ofcourse you can always use any site to insert numbers (results from games and results for the participants like their money and stuff) as long as you do not use the name of BuzzerBeater or anything else which links to this site or game. In this case no one will procecute you.
But let's say you start a website and add all kinds of stuff from BuzzerBeater, like for instance it's logo or so, or refer to this game it on your site. Later on you start to make money from your site because it took an unexpected positive turn, or in an other case, it took an unexpected negative turn. This could affect BuzzerBeater. The possible money you could make is partially because of BuzzerBeater...
For such things like these, which are always unexpected (well not always, but you get the point) it is safest to contact the BBs before starting something up like that to see if they are okay with it, and what you can or can not do...
Just trying to be safe here.
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.