I have read in the discussion between you and Zazen is that he is asking for a bit more tactical diversity and you are all saying it has enough.
He is asking, in particular, for being able to set lineup for each individual quarter. I don't see much tactical depth in that, I see a lot of unnecessary micromanagement.
This game is not just about setting the lineup for games. As a matter of fact, one can argue that it's not even mostly about setting the lineup. Owning a better players is a critical component of the game, since it is a manager game and not arcade basketball.
You can also argue that we're get even better tactical side by allowing people to manage their in-game decision live while the game is in progress, but there is a reason why this isn't implemented and likely won't ever be.
Not just the lineup, tactics as well. Coaching is a crucial factor in successfully managing a basketball team. You can have the best players in the world, but without proper coaching, you're not going to get very far. There should be equally as much of a coaching element in BuzzerBeater as there is the trading aspect.
We should be able to set each player's tendencies in games as well, such as defensive pressure (Normal, Tight, Loose), crashing boards (Low, Medium, High), etc.
There should be more offensive and defensive options, like Box and 1, Full-court/Half-court Trap, Triangle, etc.
Setting the percentage of each player's touches and isolation plays. Which players should pick and roll. I would even add more skills for each player, like Athleticism, Footwork, Steals.