When someone is constantly calling someone ignorant, full of crap, dont know anything, grow up, etc etc. it is hardly trying to have a discussion with someone. I call personal attacks and insults a flame and I stand by that. You have no idea what I know about hockey, especially based on a discussion about some trade everyone barely remembers the particulars of, at least outside of Canada. Saying I dont know anything about hockey based on this discussion is not only an ad hominem argument, it is a flame. Tough guy was a joke, maybe you prefer sizzle chest? The three people I showed this thread to all said some version of 'he was looking for a fight or argument' and to me fight+insults=angry.
Yes, I overstated the importance of Janet Jones in Gretzky's coming to LA. It was a silly little thread about greatness and I quipped. I had no idea it would cause such a stir in you as it did that you felt you needed to harshly correct/insult me in order to...what...defend Gretzky's honor? I apologize for overstepping sensitivities, no joke.
The links Illustrate my point more than you saw, imo. Gretzky was leaving Edmonton for the reasons you said. However it was still in the air where he would actually land, though only a few teams at the time could afford him, including Vancouver and Detroit as well as the Kings. The Great One was able to in some form dictate the terms of the trade to McNall before accepting, which tells me he had a no trade clause or something similar, I dont know and I dont remember, dont care at this point either.
Gretzky had choices
Gretzky was planning on spending a large portion of his offseason in LA to be with his wife
Gretzky never negotiated with any other team but the Kings.
McNall agreed to almost every term Gretzky laid out, and why wouldnt he? Of course he is going to do everything Gretzky wants, but you make it sound like it was McNall who told Gretzky what was up.
It is not any kind of stretch to think that at least of portion of Gretky's decision to approve the Kings was due to being near his wife. What is so wrong with that? For some reason the thought of Gretzky wanting to be near his wife upsets you. Why? (rhetorical)
Dont feel sorry for me bro, I live 300 yards from the beach in a nice house, and my hot beautiful GF just showed up with movies, snacks and beer. I am doing ok.