This is what I said 5 months ago
Science Dictionary
exponential (ěk'spə-něn'shəl) Pronunciation Key
Relating to a mathematical expression containing one or more exponents. ◇ Something is said to increase or decrease exponentially if its rate of change must be expressed using exponents. A graph of such a rate would appear not as a straight line, but as a curve that continually becomes steeper or shallower.
So I'm guessing that the loss of training minutes will multiply
with each missed minute.
Thus 47 not so bad
46 worse by a multiple and so on and so on...
So that 44 minutes is plenty worse than 47
Can someone please tell me I'm ok or way off base on this
Now at BB training site it appears to be so
47 minutes = 90%
43 minutes = 58%
36 minutes = 24%
24 minutes = almost nothing
Last edited by Headless T Gunner at 6/4/2012 10:29:41 PM