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Cup bonus - free agents

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244598.35 in reply to 244598.34
Date: 6/22/2013 7:20:55 PM
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I did. And to the rest of the conversation I felt no need to comment because it was pretty rhetorical, hence why I bolded the one point for you to focus on

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244598.36 in reply to 244598.35
Date: 6/23/2013 4:20:49 AM
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I did. And to the rest of the conversation I felt no need to comment because it was pretty rhetorical, hence why I bolded the one point for you to focus on

Don't try to do the professor when you have not the skills to do it.
Biffo is more experienced than you and knows perfectly all the differences between a scrimmage and cup games.Biffo's opinion was clear,without cup bonuses really few team would take cup seriously because it would give no advnatage in comparison with a scrimmage(to get a TIE you need to sacrifice a game in the champisonship,losing money because of lower attrendance in the nmext games).

If you want to make a comment in this thread,do it on the core question

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 6/23/2013 4:24:14 AM

This Post:
244598.37 in reply to 244598.36
Date: 6/23/2013 5:49:08 AM
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Don't try to do the professor when you have not the skills to do it.

Come one, don't be a douche. We have a nice discussion here, don't bully people, please.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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244598.38 in reply to 244598.37
Date: 6/23/2013 6:09:21 AM
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Don't try to do the professor when you have not the skills to do it.

Come one, don't be a douche. We have a nice discussion here, don't bully people, please.

Yeah,we are having a nice discussion,despite the difference in our opinions
His post was useless,though.He tried to correct a guy who is more experienced than him and that knows more than him,which thought was pretty clear to anyone with a bit of experience.And thinking that the other guy didn't know things that that guy know perfectly

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244598.40 in reply to 244598.36
Date: 6/23/2013 6:54:26 AM
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I did. And to the rest of the conversation I felt no need to comment because it was pretty rhetorical, hence why I bolded the one point for you to focus on

Don't try to do the professor when you have not the skills to do it.
Biffo is more experienced than you and knows perfectly all the differences between a scrimmage and cup games.Biffo's opinion was clear,without cup bonuses really few team would take cup seriously because it would give no advnatage in comparison with a scrimmage(to get a TIE you need to sacrifice a game in the champisonship,losing money because of lower attrendance in the nmext games).

If you want to make a comment in this thread,do it on the core question

For the record I teach criminal justice courses at a community college around my shift as a cop.

Core issue. It's a bad idea

From: Knecht
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244598.41 in reply to 244598.40
Date: 6/23/2013 10:11:35 AM
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The first few cup rounds are games against bot or far inferior team - in most cases. So the point that you have to surrender a league game to stay in the cup does not count for me. Its still hundreds of millions free money for the economy.

On the other hand free agents have significantly improved the player pool. Premium talent stays and thus the team expenditures for salaries have risen. When I was in DIV I a few seasons ago, I was one of the top dogs and still was able to save 150k per week. From what I see now, most teams spend around 800k on their roster and I doubt any of those make a lot of money. I think that outweighs the cup benefits by far - I can't prove it though.

I think there should be a change one way or another, as we don't know the total amount of money in the game and its growth in the last few years, and nobody will tell us anyway I think we can end the discussion.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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244598.42 in reply to 244598.41
Date: 6/23/2013 11:38:25 AM
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The first few cup rounds are games against bot or far inferior team - in most cases. So the point that you have to surrender a league game to stay in the cup does not count for me. Its still hundreds of millions free money for the economy.

On the other hand free agents have significantly improved the player pool. Premium talent stays and thus the team expenditures for salaries have risen. When I was in DIV I a few seasons ago, I was one of the top dogs and still was able to save 150k per week. From what I see now, most teams spend around 800k on their roster and I doubt any of those make a lot of money. I think that outweighs the cup benefits by far - I can't prove it though.

I think there should be a change one way or another, as we don't know the total amount of money in the game and its growth in the last few years, and nobody will tell us anyway I think we can end the discussion.

You are pointing out what happens in your community as it was a common thing.It's rare to have more than a pair of easy matches in the cup,at least in the most competitive countries.If a IV or even a strong V division italian team decides to play the cup seriously,I can't just put the scrubs out there and think to win easily,because even their level is something respectable
You don't have to surrender a championship game to advance in the first rounds of the cup,and you don't even have to think if use scrubs or not.But in a competitive country,that's what you are forced to do

Your spirit to improve the game is good,but your vision is limited and selfish

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 6/23/2013 11:39:55 AM