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D.III finances?

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177219.36 in reply to 177219.35
Date: 3/16/2011 2:11:30 AM
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haha yeh thets a superb alias neeber. maybe you can give us all some insight on your finances seeing as your are in div 3

Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
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177219.37 in reply to 177219.36
Date: 3/16/2011 2:16:13 AM
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Meh I don't mind, currently on the train on the way home so no can do from my phone, rough totals....

Attendance: 183k
Staff: 53k
Player: 100k
Scouting: 10k

Profit: 113k

Those are pretty close to the numbers

When the Beasts Roar all in the way shall be struck down!!!!!
This Post:
177219.38 in reply to 177219.37
Date: 3/16/2011 4:24:14 AM
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not bad number considering you are holding second. although i do think your player salaries would be somewhat higher than that.

seeing as you are being so generous i will give up mine

Expenses Revenue
Player Salaries: $ 98 739 Attendance: $ 218 314
Staff Salaries: $ 38 336 Merchandise: $ 35 459
Scouting: $ 20 000 TV Contract: $ 73 226
Total: $ 157 075 Total: $ 326 999
Typical Weekly Net Income: $ 169 924


Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
From: Jason

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177219.39 in reply to 177219.34
Date: 3/16/2011 6:32:22 AM
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:

League Average Net Income: $ -116

Boy, your league budgets almost to the penny huh? :-)

Last edited by Jason at 3/16/2011 6:32:41 AM

From: Faultier

This Post:
177219.40 in reply to 177219.39
Date: 3/16/2011 8:01:40 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Player Salaries: $ 274 464 Attendance: $ 193 978
Staff Salaries: $ 40 983 Merchandise: $ 45 515
Scouting: $ 0 TV Contract: $ 89 356
Total: $ 315 447 Total: $ 328 849

It´s amazin, how different these numbers can be although all of us play div.III :)

From: loldots

This Post:
177219.43 in reply to 177219.39
Date: 3/16/2011 3:37:26 PM
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Hah. I guess so. I'm probably dragging the overall number down a bit with my huge deficit, though.

From: Ref
This Post:
177219.44 in reply to 177219.43
Date: 3/17/2011 11:44:51 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Player Salaries: $ 166 531 Attendance: $ 172 191
Staff Salaries: $ 59 761 Merchandise: $ 36 149
Scouting: $ 5 000 TV Contract: $ 85 622
Total: $ 231 292 Total: $ 293 962
Typical Weekly Net Income: $ 62 670
League average:
Player Salaries: $ 193 610 Attendance: $ 156 863
Staff Salaries: $ 59 935 Merchandise: $ 32 386
Scouting: $ 5 333 TV Contract: $ 85 622
Total: $ 258 878 Total: $ 274 871
League Average Net Income: $ 15 993

This Post:
177219.45 in reply to 177219.44
Date: 3/18/2011 5:50:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
League Averages from Last Week
Expenses Revenue
Player Salaries: $ 263 907 Attendance: $ 167 593
Staff Salaries: $ 36 575 Merchandise: $ 34 548
Scouting: $ 10 666 TV Contract: $ 95 412
Total: $ 311 148 Total: $ 297 553
League Average Net Income: $ -13 595

Welcome in Hell :(

(even if my personal Typical Weekly Net Income is $ 82)

From: Sandals
This Post:
177219.46 in reply to 177219.45
Date: 3/20/2011 6:41:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Despesas Receitas
Salários dos Jogadores: $ 111 804 Bilheteiras: $ 139 308
Salários do Staff $ 39 900 Merchandising: $ 24 027
Olheiro $ 10 000 Contrato TV: $ 80 789
Total: $ 161 704 Total: $ 244 124
Balanço semanal típico: $ 82 420

