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The S18 thread!

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From: T.M.
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203539.36 in reply to 203539.35
Date: 2/3/2012 10:19:24 AM
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And Smiley finishes the season with a double pop from pressure training, OD and handling both to 9, for a total of 18 pops on the season with a level 4 trainer. Obviously there's a major asterisk in that 5 of those weeks were 1v1 or JS forwards, which give a lot of total pops, more than, say, single-position pressure training, but still, 18 pops is pretty darn good. Next season he and maybe the new draftee if I keep him will be doing a few weeks of JS so Smiley can be decent offensively in D.IV, enough to take some pressure off Faina and McNeill, but other than that I'm hoping to do a lot of pressure training. Expect the total number of pops to likely be way down if I can follow through on that resolution.

(naturally I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some bots don't auto-draft one or both of the players I'm looking at)

One downside is Smiley is projected to have a salary of $8371 next season, so there will likely be some roster changes coming.

From: Lemony

To: T.M.
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203539.37 in reply to 203539.36
Date: 2/3/2012 4:16:20 PM
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Damn $8371! That's like almost Pringle's salary for next year!

From: T.M.

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203539.38 in reply to 203539.37
Date: 2/3/2012 6:31:50 PM
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Except Pringle has atrocious RB compared to awful for Smiley, which lowers his salary, and Pringle also has higher OD, which is much more cost-efficient for its usefulness compared to the salary you pay for it. Plus Smiley has higher JR, which also raises salary. He's also a year younger, but he's still not Pringle's level yet. Besides, he had better starting skills. OSU says Smiley should probably be a shooting guard in the future, because he's 6'4", so he'll be working towards that. Regardless, I'm very satisfied with him.