i would like something like a new forum day too, where the BB communicate more.
But what should the voice of the bb staff say, if they release some Forum day like information for example in german it is not so unluckily that the other community will know this too. if they make it in english it is pretty likely, that the german and other community will know when it is something intresting.
For formal question, the GM are also today responsible mostly we are faced with question we already know the answer is there something new where we don't know the answer we already can contact the BB or the senior GM(those dudes are our chefs, reviewing our decision and very experience that they know what to do in most cases or ask the BB then^^).
But having like 5-X suggestion forums, in different languages moderated by JR/PH or something like this i don't think that this will improve it since there preselection is already biased, the same discussion would go on in different languages which will lead to a loose of some information ... And for the dudes who ain't capable of posting in the suggestion forum, at least in the german board we manage to translate such suggestion by a third user or a LA. And i prefer this method, then 5 or more different boards.