Happy Wednesday everyone! It's time for the power rankings!
Biggest move up the rankings goes to East Gary Eagles (no one actually thought he'd stay at the bottom, did you?) who moved up 4 spots from 12th to 8th. Biggest move down gets shared by Extra Crispy (who tanked against the Traptors, so this has some fine print next to it next to it) who went from 6th down to 9th, and the Kentucky Wyldcats who went from 9th to 12th.
Biggest surprise of the season, at least to me, goes to The Door Mats. Really good work making it to 5-1, but good luck with Swanson this weekend!
1. Toronto Traptors, 22.536 (UP 1)
2. Ron Swanson, 19.861 (DOWN 1)
3. Cathar Heretics, 14.516 (UP 1)
4. Chicken Hawks, 13.458 (DOWN 1)
5. The Door Mars, 12.438 (UP 2)
6. Demon Hoosiers, 11.888 (DOWN 1)
7. Natellio, 6.827 (UP 3)
8. East Gary Eagles, 4.111 (UP 4)
9. Extra Crispy, 2.186 (DOWN 3)
10. Lake Charles, 0.919, (DOWN 2)
11. Bushrods, -5.284 (EVEN)
12. Kentucky Wyldcats, -6.403 (DOWN 3)
13. Lengends, -7.864 (EVEN)
14. Real Big Tymerz, -9.098 (EVEN)
15. Eclypze, -17.295 (EVEN)
16. End of Story, -61.070 (EVEN)