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Training Simulator

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229484.36 in reply to 229484.33
Date: 1/4/2013 9:58:31 PM
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hrudey is right on: the cross-training effect is not explicitly modeled by the simulator.

Thanks as always, for letting me know where you're having troubles. It helps me think about how I can make the tool better and easier to use. I'm not sure what you mean by "edit mode" in 2.5.3. Could you describe step-by-step what you do when you have this problem?

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
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229484.37 in reply to 229484.36
Date: 1/5/2013 9:19:36 AM
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Thanks once again for the response mate.
I suppose its nice to get a pop up when you least expect it.
As for the "edit mode" dont worry about it, sorted it out. My mistake. You can teach an old dog new tricks after all, it just takes time ;)

Last edited by maddoghellas at 1/5/2013 9:20:37 AM

This Post:
229484.38 in reply to 229484.37
Date: 1/5/2013 4:53:47 PM
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One more thing.

I bought this player and have been training him with advanced trainer. He's 19y, 6'4".
According to both 2.4 and 2.5.3 versions, he should be getting 0,355 pops ups per session, in OD, when training pressure.

When i bought him, he had OD 5. I dont know and can't be estimated(cause i'd just got him) whether he was closer to 5 or 6.
I take it he was the minimum(and unlikely) 5,00.
After FOUR pressure sessions, he is still 5.
That means that he's definately getting less than 0,25 per session.

The difference between simulator and actual game is, in my mind, more than i would expect and consider a margin error.

Have you had any similar feedback? Or should i contact the BBs, requesting least one pop up?

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229484.39 in reply to 229484.38
Date: 1/5/2013 5:17:54 PM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
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so he trains as fast as my 24yo C

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229484.40 in reply to 229484.39
Date: 1/5/2013 5:23:30 PM
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In the best case scenario, that is...sadlly.

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229484.41 in reply to 229484.38
Date: 1/5/2013 5:35:52 PM
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Probably not a problem with the Simulator. The 6'4" 19yo on your team has role player (2) potential. And with a SF salary of $4.2k he is likely capped. This would account for the slow-down in training you are experiencing (in comparison to the model).

But the Simulator is designed to let you know when this is the case. Take a look at the CAP number to the right of the training results. It turns red when a player is near his potential cap. This indicates that the model the Simulator is based on no longer applies (because it does not model the cap slow-down).

Even if his CAP number isn't red, your player may still be capped. Like you said, you don't have a good idea of the sub-levels on his skills. And so if enough of the other skills have decent sublevels, he will be closer to the cap than the simulator shows.

Hope that helps.

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
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229484.42 in reply to 229484.41
Date: 1/5/2013 5:51:32 PM
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Yep, he's entered his cap range
Thanks man.

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229484.43 in reply to 229484.42
Date: 1/7/2013 11:06:50 PM
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Thanks again for putting this awesome simulator together.

Does the model assume that skill pops at x.5, or once you hit x.0? In other words, if a skill currently shows "Strong", does this model assume that it will pop to Proficient once it numerically hits 8.5, or once it hits 9.0? Thanks!

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229484.44 in reply to 229484.43
Date: 1/8/2013 11:23:32 AM
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Thanks. I'm glad you are enjoying the simulator.

I'm not quite sure how to answer your question. The simulator works with sublevels, meaning that it relies on you to have a decent estimate of how much training your player has received since his last pop. So, it assumes the pop will happen at x.0. But if you don't have an estimate of sublevel to put into the simulator, you might pop at what seems like x.5 because you have un-input sublevels on your player.

EXAMPLE: An 18yo 6'0" player is input as having 5 OD. This means he could be 5-5.99. He gets trained twice in Pressure (PG). The TS shows that he'll get to 6.2 OD, indicating 1 pop. But this means he could be anywhere from 6.2-7.19. So he might have popped twice.

But say you have trained the same player enough times to know that their sublevel is 7.2-7.3 OD and so you input '7.2' for OD. After the same training you'll know he'll be between 8.4-8.5 OD.

Clear as mud?

Join the official USA offsite forum for helper tools, camaraderie and advice! ( – Builder of the Training Simulator: (229484.1) – Former host of the Golden Clam Invitational (
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229484.45 in reply to 229484.44
Date: 1/8/2013 10:19:35 PM
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Thanks! You answered my question perfectly. I do have an idea of what my players sublevels are, or at least how far they are away from popping. I just wasn't sure what the common BuzzerBeater consensus was of how the adjective descriptor translates to a number. Sounds like people think (and you've modeled) that a Mediocre skill translates to a 5.00 - 5.99 range. Rather than Mediocre translating to a number range of 4.50-5.49. Good to know.

I was mainly wondering because it impacts when players cap out on potential. By that I mean if I had a player with all Prolific ratings, I wasn't sure if that meant all of his number ratings were 11.00 - 11.99 or whether they were 10.50 - 11.49. Again, sounds like 11.00 - 11.99. That .50 point difference eventually matters when I get to a player's potential cap.

Anyway, my stream of conscious if probably super confusing to anyone but me, but you've answered my question. Thanks a ton!

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229484.46 in reply to 229484.1
Date: 1/9/2013 3:57:20 AM
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I also make a similar Excel as you did. Because of many reasons, I don't release it.
The Excel that I maked will be considered:
One or more skills acceleration to another skill.
For example:
High OD(PD) skill will acceleration to JR.

The impact of age on the speed of training.

Players' Height and Trainer's level affect the speed of training.

Salaries are determined by the growth of the age(Update at S22).

When skills reach PO Cap, the training speed will slow down.

And some other functions...

If you like, I can send you a copy of the Excel Training Simulator.

PS. It was xxx.xlsx. So you need to open it by Office 2007 or later edition.
