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BuzzerBeaterBest ---> S22

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From: brian

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232153.36 in reply to 232153.30
Date: 12/6/2012 8:43:39 AM
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vahedi has higher passing than that, like 15 or 16 IIRC. having that kind of player is really all you need to make this work. now "all" is still a lot, cuase theres not many players like that.

still dumb that it works

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Koperboy

This Post:
232153.37 in reply to 232153.36
Date: 12/6/2012 8:48:27 AM
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vahedi has higher passing than that, like 15 or 16 IIRC.

I don't think so, or he would be listed as a PG. In order to be listed as Center with 16 Passing, he would have to have better RB and ID, which he can't because of Superstar potential. Also I don't think his JS is as high as someone already said because in that case, he'd be listed as a PF.

Why is it dumb? It's a legitimate tactic like any other...

From: brian

This Post:
232153.38 in reply to 232153.37
Date: 12/6/2012 8:58:08 AM
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im fairly certain he had higher passing, he was on the TL at one point and he did have really high passing.

its dumb because it a BB tactic, not a basketball one.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
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232153.39 in reply to 232153.35
Date: 12/6/2012 9:05:39 AM
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Patient in unrealistic and has nothing in common with a real basketball game. This is another thing that kills this game. But I like the idea of using the World Ranking in B3. No Bot and 3000+ world rank teams in B3 tournament.

From: Koperboy

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232153.40 in reply to 232153.38
Date: 12/6/2012 9:11:10 AM
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Ok, but with 16 PA, his HA got to be 13 or less in order to be listed as C. I assumed he had a higher Handling because he doesn't make a lot of turnovers in general.

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232153.44 in reply to 232153.43
Date: 12/6/2012 9:55:49 AM
Nitra Corgons
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Second Team:
Nitra Urpiners
common guys patient with guard on c spot doesnt work almost at all.. it either work when u r better than opponent or when your opponent has really low OD. no matter what skills your guard on C spot has he still ends with 30-40% accuracy. only chance to win is really via 3pts. so have C with 7+ OD and u r safe.

1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching
This Post:
232153.45 in reply to 232153.35
Date: 12/6/2012 10:34:49 AM
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It does add some variety, that's good. I personally am a fan of the good ol' fashioned Base Offense :)

From: brian

This Post:
232153.46 in reply to 232153.44
Date: 12/6/2012 10:45:14 AM
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common guys patient with guard on c spot doesnt work almost at all.

depends on the case. it might be true in that tehran had better options (maybe not, only he really knows) and only won mostly because he was a better team, but he did win against a good opponent so the tactic was somewhat successful.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -