I would also like to make the scouting more interesting. My proposal is that you should know _nothing_ about the player from the beginning of the season. Then every week, you get scouting points according to how much you spent and every week you get to spend those points, and it then takes one week to get the results, and then you can spend new points...
You can choose to spend 1 point on a player to see match results. Then another 1 point to see the quality. Then another 1 point to see potential. And then another 1-2 points to actually see the real charectaristics as a normal player. (Of course, the number of points and what they actually show is just as an example right now.)
This would mean that you every week get to scout one or more players. Of course, if you spend very little money, you will probably not find anything interesting at all. If you spend a lot of money, you will still have to have very good luck to find good players, but when you do, you will be able to get more information on them (not knowing of course if you missed one even better player in the draft). And still, in the end, someone else might pick your scouted player, making all for nothing. (The point would be that you can choose to know very much about a few players, or a little about many players.)
This system would be much more fun, but would not actually make it easier to find good players, since you would know nothing about them from the beginning, and depende purely on luck (as it is now.) But imagine finding a very good player early in the season, and then wait a whole season to see if you actually get him in the draft. Maybe you won't?
Last edited by ArgenTum at 5/27/2009 12:29:13 PM