No doubt that I would have a tougher time in a bigger country. I don't recall ever being worried about a DII or DIII team in the cup, and there was a bit of a drop off after Random Noise. That gave my team an econ advantage to most teams, all things being equal, although I am sure my more limited time on line resulted in normally having to go above bargain market prices - thus eliminating much of the econ advantage (i.e., only finding one player to bid a week where I could be on line at the right time). Even my great coup of getting Marcum/Vyberal while selling three middle of the road players was an expensive proposition.
As for tactics, I had two base offense losses that probably were a bit ill-advised, but other than that, I spent my last few seasons in Canada trying to perfect Princeton. While I had a few good wins
(25684526), I was never able to get the right players to make a successful run with it, especially when teams would purchase $300k+ mercenary guards right before matches ...