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5.5M bid on a player!?

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From: Koperboy

This Post:
226861.37 in reply to 226861.36
Date: 9/14/2012 9:01:22 AM
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So your solution to getting 50 pops for the 'world's best SF' is to train him in 1on1 F for 5 seasons straight????

I didn't say that. I said 1/3 of whole training plan would consist of 1 on 1.

On Passing, I've seen 6 pops in 7 weeks on a 20y old with similar height. True, it's a 20y old, but 6 pops in 7 weeks is pretty remarkable. Btw, had elastic effect going for it.

Let's agree to disagree here, shall we? Maybe he woud reach 46-47 pops instead of 50, which doesn't make a lot of difference. In 5 seasons, not in four. I said 4-5.

Damnit, you take what you want from the posts I write. Take the facts please.

From: Koperboy

This Post:
226861.39 in reply to 226861.38
Date: 9/14/2012 9:20:46 AM
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Just for the reference: I also use the site you linked to and is nice and all, but a lot of data is scewed due to elastic effect. How do you explain short players training IS faster than tall players with 1 on 1 for SF/PF? Probably because IS on short players is almost always lower than ID or RB and it trains faster.

From: Koperboy

This Post:
226861.41 in reply to 226861.40
Date: 9/14/2012 9:51:38 AM
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That's what I'm trying to do with my C and that's what I think should new owner of Polish SF do.

I don't care if my C will be 24 by the time I'll start training Passing; his PA is 5, while his HA will be 11 and DR 12. So I expect steady 2 weeks/pop and at least 6 pops in 13 weeks (elastic will cease to exist once his PA will hit HA levels).

Well at least at elastic effect we agree...

From: Koperboy

This Post:
226861.43 in reply to 226861.42
Date: 9/14/2012 9:55:15 AM
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You're not reading again, Wolph! He'll be 24, not 26. He's 23 now.

From: Tangosz

This Post:
226861.47 in reply to 226861.46
Date: 9/14/2012 10:33:36 AM
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Yes, they do, at least the JS secondary of 1v1f.

I actually attribute these different training-increase versus height as conscious design decisions.

1v1 forwards is good for getting some IS on short guys, but not as much for tall guys. Those tall guys are thought to get better IS training via IS@C. THis is similar to the fact that IS secondary of JS forwards has a declining IS training v. height.

In contrast, short guys and guards can more easily get JS from some combination of outside shooting, jump shot guards/wingmen, and 1v1 guards.
