So 3ball spent a few games acting like he wasn't very good (weak lineups against me and World Idea Toys, followed by a loss to Smedlock), so this power ranking may look kind of silly. Not to take anything away from the teams who moved in front of him o course.
Congrats to the teams who have all stars representing them tonight. Enjoy the merchandise boost that comes with having an all star. Oh.. wait. That's just what should happen for all stars.
1. Natellio, 24.5
2. lakey, 12.0
3. Chicken Hawks, 11.6
4. Deadwood, 10.7
5. Tasty Tards, 8.3
5. The Door Mats, 8.3
7. Eclypze, 7.3
8. Arutunians, 7.2
9. Cow Lickers, 4.7
10. Thunderhorse, 4.4
11. Southpoint, 0.5
12. Oakland Soldiers, -0.5
13. DC Dribble, -5.8
14. Blazing Ninjas, -12.8
15. Portland Red Claws, -22.8
16. World Idea Toys, -58.3
How does the draft look this season? I haven't spent a dime and always wonder what I'm missing...